Wedding Photographers
📸Join the Wedding Photography group and discuss your wedding stories, current FAQs, mysterious adventures, and anything you think might be useful or helpful for someone in this field. This group can be used to express struggles or issues you may have with clients on Thumbtack or in general. Figure out what works for others and how you stand out from the crowd. 📸
Group Rules:
- No hate speech or inappropriate comments. Let's keep it positive with regards to members.
- We are here to bring each other up not down!
- Do not market yourself. We are all here for the same reason, so please do not post business related advertisements, but feel free to network with each other.
- Keep calm and let's talk wedding photography.
Group Purpose:
- Connect with others in your field.
- Talk about problems, address questions, or ask for help.
- Share stories and experiences not only from Thumbtack but other wedding venues, providers, etc.
- This is an outlet for all wedding photographers.
This group is private in order to regulate the use of members applying and make sure each member is joining for the right reasons.
Connect with me if you want to improve the group in an administrative way!
Group Creator:
Joshua Noble from Noble Photo & Video
Welcome! Check out our Community Code of Conduct. (review here)