Nobody hire me on Thumbtack

I have a problem. Despite my gold status in the rewards program, I have absolutely no success making money with Thumbtack. I spend money on buying leads, go to estimates, give low prices to potential clients, but no one hires me! Out of 15 leads purchased over 2 months, I only managed to sell one small piece of work, which didn’t even cover my costs for Thumbtack.


  • Matt
    Matt Posts: 170

    @JohnSwanson_89 My conversion rate is 10%, so even after 70 or so leads I have received I have booked 7. Thankfully my jobs are in the range of $4k+, but for the lower cost jobs, I can see it being hard to recoup the fees TT implements.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,015

    @JohnSwanson_89 If you're able to, you could join our CommuniTEA sessions to get some advice/input from other pros. We hold them every other Thursday - you can find/RSVP/add them to your calendar here!