Business Resilience

A place to share tips and resources pertaining to all things business.

Discussion List

  • ShaquealThomas
    Tips for fellow pros
    Just a few tips for my fellow pros and new group announcement. 1.use every tool available when receiving a lead phone text email. remember they may log off thumbtack and a phone call or text message can land that lead. 2. check you…
    Announcement ShaquealThomas 978 views 8 comments Most recent by ShaquealThomas
  • hillcopressurewash
    I am a Top Pro, my views are going up but my leads have stopped. PLEASE HELP
    Thumbtack has been an absolutely amazing source of leads for our pressure washing business over the past month. We have been so excited to have found thumbtack and each week we got more views, more leads, more booked jobs, more revi…
    hillcopressurewash 342 views 5 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Bretdouglas
    Ups and downs. We can ride this out
    Hello everyone this is Brad from Central florida. Just wanted to speak some words of encouragement to everybody's business models and to know that we are in a cymbient relationship. We all need to succeed and we all need to feel lik…
    Bretdouglas 58 views 4 comments Most recent by Bretdouglas
  • Adonfish
    Thoughts on what to do regarding a customer who wants me to lower my price after paying me?
    I have a customer who I put together a large basketball hoop for. It was a hard job, and later I read reviews saying that a lot of folks have had issues assembling this hoop. I spent awhile talking to customer service, and I did n…
    Adonfish 142 views 4 comments Most recent by DustiO
    Unlicensed Contractors
    As a woman in the HVAC industry, competeing for leads is a long road. Over the last 10 years I've learned that alot of our competition is low cost unlicensed contractors. So, doing my due diligence, I have done reseach on the contra…
    HVACflPRO 158 views 0 comments Started by HVACflPRO
    30 Day Old Refund Policy
    @DustiO I would like an explanation and a response here, as this is not an uncommon issue experienced by many pros. I have a client who I have been tracking down since they picked us on 3/11. I have called this client over 10 times…
    PULLC 79 views 2 comments Most recent by PULLC
  • KW_CleaningCo2024
    Thumbtack Rank
    Thumbtack Rank is dramatically lower today than it has ever been. We’ve gotten nothing but 5 stars lately. Can anyone help?
    KW_CleaningCo2024 103 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • perrysto
    Can dealing with negative customer interactions actually help your business?
    In response to a recent question from another Community member about why Thumbtack doesn't allow us to rate customers, like other platforms such as Uber: I am a fellow Pro and have had moments of frustration with this myself, thinki…
    perrysto 999 views 15 comments Most recent by KLsmith
  • STL_Shooter78
    When is an event not an event?
    So I got charged $34 for a lead on my Portland, OR videography account. The lead was for videography of a quinceañera. A quinceañera in an event, much like a wedding or a birthday party. The lead should have been listed under &quo…
    STL_Shooter78 48 views 0 comments Started by STL_Shooter78
  • Jeff_jtv2020
    TT hiding business, Max lead price, instant book, transparency
    I go into my max lead prices daily to adjust to try stay high on the search results why does the amount of leads change daily all I can get for leads are up to 7 leads a month anybody else seen a difference on this. Usually mine say…
    Jeff_jtv2020 69 views 1 comment Most recent by Theresa
  • ShaquealThomas
    Building & Expanding
    Happy New Year Everyone!!!! Hope this new year brings more business networking and wealth to every business from all industries few tips I am looking to do to make my business expand this year hoping theses tools can help other bu…
    ShaquealThomas 73 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • VANiK
    Is Thumbtack legitimately wanting to facilitate an honest transaction between potential clients & pros, or are they using our numbers for ways to get over on us in the end?
    VANiK 68 views 0 comments Started by VANiK
  • Matt
    Refund requests and screenshots
    I submitted a refund request and was denied, so I had to call and walk the rep through why I felt a refund was in order (the job went from a ceiling mural, to a a textured wall), and when I submitted for a refund, there was no optio…
    Matt 128 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • STL_Shooter78
    Why are these leads even allowed?
    Currently, there is a lead for "video production" in Shelbyville, IL 62565, but the job poster doesn't actually need video production. They need "AV for an event including mics and projector/screen or TV". AV Re…
    STL_Shooter78 75 views 0 comments Started by STL_Shooter78
  • Matt
    Leads have dried up for a month, what about you guys?
    I have done the usual, checked my competitive max lead price to make sure I am competitive, altered my profile, added new projects, checked out my competition and see that I am ranked 3rd when "muralist" is searched for Sa…
    Matt 131 views 2 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Mahima
    Not getting leads
    I recently signed up for Thumbtack as a tutor and I have not been getting any leads. I've only sent out 2 quotes through the opportunities tab on my profile. However, I know I'm supposed to get lots of leads. Could I please get some…
    Mahima 73 views 1 comment Most recent by Matt
  • AR2i
    Tax Deductions for Small Businesses
    There are many tax breaks for small businesses, and I bet you want to know all of them to help reduce your tax liability and keep more money in your small business bank account. That is where we can help! Here are just a few of the…
    AR2i 161 views 0 comments Started by AR2i
  • STL_Shooter78
    Company leads for creative Pros
    I do video production. I've been on Thumbtack for over 6 years and it seems like most of my customer success stories are with companies and non-profits rather than individuals doing personal/family projects or things for their bran…
    STL_Shooter78 66 views 2 comments Most recent by STL_Shooter78
  • Phelan_Beardsley
    No leads
    I don't know where else to get help , but if someone has been through this maybe you can help. About 6 months ago, I stopped receiving leads, despite having received at least 2 leads per month for the previous 5-6 years. my target…
    Phelan_Beardsley 270 views 2 comments Most recent by Matt
  • Mage
    Accidentally Forgot to Hide My Business, Not Feeling Well
    I set my business to be hidden for some random number of days, and today was the day in which I received a bunch of leads to which I responded, but it’s outside of my business hours. I didn’t respond in my usual frantic 2-minutes-or…
    Mage 229 views 2 comments Most recent by Mage
  • MoBeth
    Stop getting leads
    I used to get lots of leads for tutoring jobs but I haven't gotten any in ages. Don't know why they stopped coming. Something must be different. Maybe I am not be shown to prospects anymore.
    MoBeth 478 views 35 comments Most recent by GlennBates_PropMng1
  • MoonlightMerchandise
    More leads
    I realize that I am in a niche market (embroidery). I have been on TT for 6 years and I would like to grow my business. The number of qualified leads I get each month make it hard to even maintain a top pro badge. Is there any hel…
    MoonlightMerchandise 437 views 3 comments Most recent by MoonlightMerchandise
  • Jonathan_Segal
    All leads that come to me are children age 6-9. How can I find adults?
    I teach piano. All leads that come to me are children age 6-9. Why is this? How can I find adults? I can't seem to contact the company. I used to get adult students from Thumbtack and since much of my teaching is on Zoom, I'd like t…
    Jonathan_Segal 49 views 2 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Stat
    Ensuring your 'preponderance' is solid.
    I'm embarrassed to admit that I am a court show junkie! Well, I'm not embarrassed and really I am a specifically 'The Peoples Court' junkie, and if you aren't, it might be a good business move to become one. If you watch, you will …
    Stat 36 views 0 comments Started by Stat
  • Mage
    Ideas to Optimize My Profile and Website to Attract the Right Clients
    Hi Thumbtackers! 😎 In my industry (high level independent music teaching), it is very hard to gain committed students. I'm not just "any old teacher;" I am a creative artist and Nationally Certified Teacher of Music. I com…
    Mage 51 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • Carlos_Velasquez
    Managing Leads with Team Members
    Hello Pros, two questions for all of you. 1) Do you share your account with someone else in order to get help while communicating with leads? 2) If you do, how are you tracking contact touch points (called, left vm, sent estimate, s…
    Carlos_Velasquez 752 views 50 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • AngelaKeshavjee
    Feeling hopeless
    Personal Trainer, and I don’t know what it is, but it seems like the last 6-8 leads in the last 2 weeks, either ghost me, change their minds due to price, or decided they can’t afford to train. Of course I’m out $31 ea time! Thumbt…
    AngelaKeshavjee 201 views 7 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • user212
    Poll user212 119 views 11 comments Most recent by user212
  • perrysto
    2 ways to make sure you don’t get off track in the new year.
    The pandemic has offered everyone an opportunity to pause, reflect, and assess. As things continue to pick up on the business front, it’s easy to lose yourself in the busy-ness of things. Here are 2 ways to make sure you don’t get o…
    perrysto 77 views 1 comment Most recent by Elle__38
  • Plumbernick417
    Poll Plumbernick417 112 views 4 comments Most recent by LexingtonDev
  • DustiO
    Have any of you had to take sick leave during the past year?
    Hi all, We are looking for stories from pros who may have needed to take leave during the past year - or pros who may have wanted to take sick leave, but weren't able to. If you have experienced either, please comment here or send …
    DustiO 183 views 0 comments Started by DustiO