Business Resilience

A place to share tips and resources pertaining to all things business.

Discussion List

  • SarzozaPhoto
    "High Value Job" is $250?
    I'm being genuine and honest as I continue to learn to navigate Thumbtack after a year. Today I paid $107 for a direct lead for a "High-Value Job" according to Thumbtack. But the max budget was for the job was only $250. H…
    SarzozaPhoto 50 views 3 comments Most recent by DerHilfer_LLC
  • Bdesignlife
    I have raised my weekly expenditures to $350, that all I can do.since I upped the amount I would spe
    how fast does the platform respond to increases in pro spending on leads? This is so slow
    Answered Bdesignlife 10 views 2 comments Most recent by DerHilfer_LLC
  • Llamatrack
    Company Refund Policy
    Subject: Concerns Regarding Refund Policy and Potential Class Action Dear Thumbtack I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns regarding the current practices on the Thumbtack platform, particularly in r…
    Llamatrack 108 views 2 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • SME
    Unfair Lead Charge & Lack of Support (Where is Management?)
    @DustiO I wanted to share a frustrating experience I’ve had with Thumbtack’s refund dispute process, in the hopes of getting some transparency and accountability. As pros, we rely on fair billing and legitimate leads, but my recent …
    SME 52 views 4 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • JMArndt
    Keeping Leads in Only One State
    I live in NY and have a 100-mile lead limit. I am only licensed in NY, but I receive leads in NJ and CT. How can I keep the 100-mile limit but eliminate leads outside my state? Thank you.
    Answered JMArndt 22 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • Jeff_jtv2020
    Denied refunds outside of lead time on profile because of customer clicking on open to other dates.
    @DustiO I recently started using thumbtack again after instant booking getting taken off the platform which is so much better but I’m running into issues with low quality leads and leads outside my lead time setup on my profile. I g…
    Jeff_jtv2020 78 views 2 comments Most recent by Jeff_jtv2020
  • JMArndt
    Lead Refund Denied, why?
    I am a NY-licensed home inspector. I perform inspections for clients who are purchasing homes. I recently had a refund denied from a lead who wanted her house stairs looked at due to cracks. I requested a refund at the appropriat…
    Answered JMArndt 20 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • SarzozaPhoto
    Still Getting Fake Phone Number Leads?
    The email went out and said that they would now refund for fake phone numbers. I paid $113 for a lead this week with an obvious fake and spam number. Has anyone had success getting a refund with the fake number? I reported the lead …
    SarzozaPhoto 213 views 3 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Jason_Mayes
    Tips for working with instant Book
    I will start with tip number one and as you guys have ideas reply with your tips Tip #1. Charge a non-refundable $100 deposit. As several of you have learned one of the least reliable jobs you can get is a instant book job. So cha…
    Jason_Mayes 154 views 12 comments Most recent by Matt
  • SarzozaPhoto
    Thumbtack Opportunities
    I have a question about "opportunities". I got a lead yesterday for which I paid $52 and had to compete against 4 other vendors. 3 of the 4 of us responded within 10 minutes. YET the lead still went to the opportunities ar…
    SarzozaPhoto 79 views 7 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Matt
    Changes to customer request forms
    I have been on TT for two years now, and it seems like the platform has gone from a regular interval of referrals to a very slow trickle. Yes, its the nature of what this is, and what I do can be seasonal (Murals), but the email I …
    Matt 104 views 5 comments Most recent by Bretdouglas
  • JWMM_1_Music
    Is this platform a scam?
    I've spent nearly $1000 this month on leads and it has produced a single $30/lesson student. It will take more than 30 lessons for me to break even. Pretty sweet deal for Thumbtack; not such a sweet deal for me. Am I doing something…
    Answered JWMM_1_Music 105 views 5 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • SarzozaPhoto
    Targeting By Zip Code
    With this new feature, what's the best way to use it to get a leg up on lead competitors? I've done gigs in certain cities repeatedly. Should I just compete in those zip codes and go hard with my spending only in those zip codes?
    SarzozaPhoto 62 views 3 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • jacksimpson
    Calendaring Issue
    For Pros curious about how they continue to be charged for leads when their calendars are blocked, this is how Thumbtack is circumventing your calendar preferences: When searching for my own Pro account via an anon account, I was n…
    jacksimpson 43 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • JoleneC
    Thumbtack Pro Minimum for Leads
    I have been on Thumbtack for almost a month. They tell you the best ways to show up in searches is to have quick response rates (which I have worked on), 10 - 5 star reviews which I have 12, and spend more on leads, which isn't fair…
    JoleneC 62 views 3 comments Most recent by busyb
  • NewUserCT
    Issues uploading a picture to my new profile
    Hi - I'm creating a profile but my logo is not accepted. I can't click on next. I tried multiple images. they were all rejected. please help.
    Answered NewUserCT 123 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
    Nonresponsive leads and vague refund policy (Venting)
    70% of what we spend on Thumbtack is a donation to Thumbtack. I can have regular cadence with follow ups but the client never responds. If who we consider to be a dead lead responds to us 30 days after we receive the inquiry and we …
    PULLC 95 views 0 comments Started by PULLC
  • Zoekat1
    Privacy of information provided for background check
    Hello, I did a background check and I want to know if my information is kept confidential and my ssn# is encrypted. I know I could have used the other option. thanks
    Zoekat1 54 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • hillcopressurewash
    I am a Top Pro, my views are going up but my leads have stopped. PLEASE HELP
    Thumbtack has been an absolutely amazing source of leads for our pressure washing business over the past month. We have been so excited to have found thumbtack and each week we got more views, more leads, more booked jobs, more revi…
    hillcopressurewash 429 views 5 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Bretdouglas
    Ups and downs. We can ride this out
    Hello everyone this is Brad from Central florida. Just wanted to speak some words of encouragement to everybody's business models and to know that we are in a cymbient relationship. We all need to succeed and we all need to feel lik…
    Bretdouglas 68 views 4 comments Most recent by Bretdouglas
  • Adonfish
    Thoughts on what to do regarding a customer who wants me to lower my price after paying me?
    I have a customer who I put together a large basketball hoop for. It was a hard job, and later I read reviews saying that a lot of folks have had issues assembling this hoop. I spent awhile talking to customer service, and I did n…
    Adonfish 183 views 4 comments Most recent by DustiO
    Unlicensed Contractors
    As a woman in the HVAC industry, competeing for leads is a long road. Over the last 10 years I've learned that alot of our competition is low cost unlicensed contractors. So, doing my due diligence, I have done reseach on the contra…
    HVACflPRO 237 views 0 comments Started by HVACflPRO
    30 Day Old Refund Policy
    @DustiO I would like an explanation and a response here, as this is not an uncommon issue experienced by many pros. I have a client who I have been tracking down since they picked us on 3/11. I have called this client over 10 times…
    PULLC 130 views 2 comments Most recent by PULLC
  • KW_CleaningCo2024
    Thumbtack Rank
    Thumbtack Rank is dramatically lower today than it has ever been. We’ve gotten nothing but 5 stars lately. Can anyone help?
    KW_CleaningCo2024 173 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • perrysto
    Can dealing with negative customer interactions actually help your business?
    In response to a recent question from another Community member about why Thumbtack doesn't allow us to rate customers, like other platforms such as Uber: I am a fellow Pro and have had moments of frustration with this myself, thinki…
    perrysto 1.1K views 15 comments Most recent by KLsmith
  • STL_Shooter78
    When is an event not an event?
    So I got charged $34 for a lead on my Portland, OR videography account. The lead was for videography of a quinceañera. A quinceañera in an event, much like a wedding or a birthday party. The lead should have been listed under &quo…
    STL_Shooter78 52 views 0 comments Started by STL_Shooter78
  • Jeff_jtv2020
    TT hiding business, Max lead price, instant book, transparency
    I go into my max lead prices daily to adjust to try stay high on the search results why does the amount of leads change daily all I can get for leads are up to 7 leads a month anybody else seen a difference on this. Usually mine say…
    Jeff_jtv2020 82 views 1 comment Most recent by Theresa
  • ShaquealThomas
    Building & Expanding
    Happy New Year Everyone!!!! Hope this new year brings more business networking and wealth to every business from all industries few tips I am looking to do to make my business expand this year hoping theses tools can help other bu…
    ShaquealThomas 82 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • VANiK
    Is Thumbtack legitimately wanting to facilitate an honest transaction between potential clients & pros, or are they using our numbers for ways to get over on us in the end?
    VANiK 75 views 0 comments Started by VANiK
  • Matt
    Refund requests and screenshots
    I submitted a refund request and was denied, so I had to call and walk the rep through why I felt a refund was in order (the job went from a ceiling mural, to a a textured wall), and when I submitted for a refund, there was no optio…
    Matt 156 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO

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