Thumbtack Community
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Política de reembolsos de Thumbtack: Una guía para profesionales 🚨Sabemos que no todos los prospectos se convierten en trabajos. Por eso, Thumbtack tiene una política de reembolsos para ayudarle cuando las cosas no salen como esperaba. ¿Cuándo puede solicitar un reembolso? Thumbtack ofrece dos tip…
Your feedback in action: New phone number verification is here.Thanks to feedback and insights from pros like you, we're excited to share that new phone number verification is here! Our new customer verification solution uses an identity-matching process to ensure all phone numbers customers pr…
Working through the seasonsBeing in the painting industry at this time of the year can be tough for some especially on the east coast between cold weather and snow conditions the New England area cuts off exterior work basically until spring time. Which is cr…
Video tutorial: ¡Convierta más prospectos en clientes con Thumbtack!Estamos emocionados de anunciar el lanzamiento de nuestro nuevo video en español, "Cómo administrar los prospectos, oportunidades, como crear respuestas rápidas e utilizarlas". Este video es el primero de una serie de vide…
Check out our latest webinar in the on-demand library!Hey pros! Yesterday we held our NINTH live webinar of 2024! How exciting is that? If you missed it, don’t worry. Our On-Demand video library is packed with recordings of these webinars We are thrilled to highlight our most recent ad…
Your feedback in action: We’re removing all Instant Bookings.We’ve built this Community (along with you), because we understand the importance of connecting with other business owners — to share ideas, exchange best practices, get advice and celebrate wins, together. It’s also a space where y…
Refund failures and disappearing posts?For the 2nd time now, a critical post of mine has mysteriously disappeared from this forum. I don't get it? What's going on? :/ Luckily, as before, I saved the original….. I was charged $77 for a lead whose budget was CLEARLY under …
Opp leads with business hiddenAre customers receiving opportunity lead messages when my business is hidden? When I look at the message portal I never see a blue “read” checkmark next to the quote I send. And I never get replies to these messages. Since I don’t…
Meet Thumbtack’s Pro Partnership CommitteeWe believe that collaborating with our pros will help to shape the future of Thumbtack. In fact, that’s why earlier this year, we partnered with some of our best pros to kickstart this Community - a space designed to facilitate col…
What are we doing ABOUT THIS PROBLEMMy big problem is why cant they make sure the customers only contacted 1 pro at a time , that way its easier for a pro to win the job its real bad and sad at the same time, LETS TAKE IT TO TIKTOK
So weird...!Yesterday I made this long post raising some questions and issues I have with Thumbtack. I can't find it now?!! So weird. Luckily, I saved it… I would love to have a conversation about these issues I've had over the years with Thumb…
Pavers and concrete contractorDrilling, Excavation, and Concrete Services Hello! My name is Rick Silva and I'm the owner of Silva Contractors Inc. We're a licensed and insured construction company serving Northern CA, and surrounding areas.We specialize in Drill…silvacontractors 5 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by silvacontractors Link your Thumbtack account with partner platforms
What $5,000 buys you on Thumbtack - A Detailed Dive into the DataMy business recently reached a milestone, having spent $5007.99 over our time on Thumbtack. I have collected 2.3MB of data for my business as a whole on all customers from all sources during this time and I wanted to publish my anal…
Thumbtack needs to figure out a few thingsI am a top pro as a photographer in Cincinnati. I had a potential lead enter the wrong city for their gig. I requested a credit refund, and thumbtack told me it was my job to message the customer to fix THEIR inquiry in order to rec…
"High Value Job" is $250?I'm being genuine and honest as I continue to learn to navigate Thumbtack after a year. Today I paid $107 for a direct lead for a "High-Value Job" according to Thumbtack. But the max budget was for the job was only $250. H…
I have raised my weekly expenditures to $350, that all I can do.since I upped the amount I would spehow fast does the platform respond to increases in pro spending on leads? This is so slow
Celebrate with us - show us your Thumbtack swag!Your commitment to your craft and your consistently excellent service make Thumbtack great, and we think you should be celebrated - with things like swag. Here’s what some pros recently shared: If you’ve been to a pro event, won a C…
Cuenta BloqueadaRecientemente, hice un nuevo perfil en Thumbtack para ayudar a clientes de habla hispana. Puse la introducción del negocio en español y me bloquearon mi cuenta porque dicen que violé las reglas y políticas de la compañía. No tiene…
¿Debe Thumtack cambiar su política de que no se pueda poner en español el perfil?Recientemente, me han bloqueado mi cuenta porque puse un perfil de nuestro negocio en español, para poder alcanzar al mercado de habla hispana. No tiene sentido que digan que tiene que ser en inglés, cuando el mercado a alcanzar no …
Disappointed in your site.I repair household appliances. I worked from your site for a while, I can't say it was great, but the work was regular. Then I left and closed the account. In early December, I reopened the account and was shocked that out of the $2…
Thumbtack’s Refund PolicyThumbtack claims to protect pros with their refund policy, but in reality, they ignore their own rules when it benefits them. Here’s what their policy says vs. what actually happens: 🚨 Thumbtack’s Policy: "A lead that violates …
What does Thumbtack do for Pros when a customer goes dark and doesn't payLooking to see what Thumbtack does as far as contacting this person, and what I need to be aware of, prior to calling the police and filing a civil suit. I will more than likely be showing the court the chat log and this person's c…
Leads Costing MeOften the Leads I receive are not responding even though I am responding quickly to them. Which means I am losing money. If this was happening occassionally fine but the last 4 leads only one responded. Any suggestions?
A way for local pros to differentiate.Hello Thumbtack community, You know what would be cool? A way for Thumbtack to differentiate between people who offer online services only and people who provide in-person services.Our home organizing services do well on Thumbtack, …
Why do Users act shocked at my prices? Are they doing the same to you?I understood Thumbtack showed my price per hour to Users. Why is it that when I'm talking to someone and she asks my price per hour I hear "I picked someone who charges $50/hr."? Is this happening to you? Furthermore, ther…Answered DerHilfer_LLC 18 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by DerHilfer_LLC Network and Collaborate
Company Refund PolicySubject: Concerns Regarding Refund Policy and Potential Class Action Dear Thumbtack I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns regarding the current practices on the Thumbtack platform, particularly in r…
My views are rising but my leads stoppedhello! Usually my view to lead ratio is pretty high but now it can be 80 views with only 1-2 leads that doesn’t reply. It can’t be ranking because I’ve been #1 in all of my areas for the past year . I had multiple friends try and bo…
NotificationsHello, I am noticing that new messages are often taking 20 minutes to come in as a notification through email, and sometimes won't come in at all. Is there a way to fix this? I have already attempted to toggle the notification butto…
Why are they charging me if I didn’t even respond to the lead?I’m new to the platform, and I received a lead. I just clicked on the message and already got a notification that I’m being charged $50. How does this work?Answered Iarasalmeida1 85 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Iarasalmeida1 Thumbtack Pro Rewards
Unfair Lead Charge & Lack of Support (Where is Management?)@DustiO I wanted to share a frustrating experience I’ve had with Thumbtack’s refund dispute process, in the hopes of getting some transparency and accountability. As pros, we rely on fair billing and legitimate leads, but my recent …
Thumbtack needs to educate customers that they charge prosI have ran into this so often while using thumbtack.... I'll get a lead, and it's $112 and the customer contacted FIVE pros!! I'm sorry, but they shouldn't be able to contact more than 3 tops, unless they are unsatisfied with the fi…
Getting charged a ton, without connection or credibility for leadsThumbtack. We love you at times, but mostly we are starting to NOT like you. Your staff reviewing the refund requests must be sleeping or drunk to think this can fly with companies when you charge us. We are constantly (including to…
"Suspicious Leads" are not creditited?I received a bizarre request from a User who asked a "handyman" to repair a commercial compressed air system in his "living room" on January 2nd. I'm in Pennsylvania. The original inquiry was from a Georgia numbe…
Has anyone else noticed their "Only Picked Me" rate has crashed?My query is "What is your 'Only Picked You' view?" Edited to be concise.Poll DerHilfer_LLC 270 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by DerHilfer_LLC Network and Collaborate
Thumbtack is the same as all the restSOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE!!!!! I was a member of Service Magic which became Home Advisor which is now Angi Leads. There is currently a nationwide civil lawsuit against them for false leads and over charging for incorrect leads. Thumb…
Community Code of ConductThe following guidelines apply to public posts and private messages. They are not exhaustive. The Thumbtack Community team has full discretion at any time to remove posts that don’t meet the spirit of these standards. Repeat offende…
Welcome! Check out our Community Code of Conduct. (review here)