Thumbtack Community
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Is there a way to contact Thumbtack Support?Thumbtack was unable to verify my license but it is because they contacted the State and they needed to contact the County that issued it. How do I tell them to verify with the appropriate entity? It states who to verify with on the…
False Negative Reviews- Yes, Thumbtack Allows These to Stand Without EvidenceToday, I received a negative review riddled with lies from a man named Fardad Niknam. I never provided him services because he refused to make any payment, yet Thumbtack has allowed the review to remain. I also selected that I was n…
Is this platform a scam?I've spent nearly $1000 this month on leads and it has produced a single $30/lesson student. It will take more than 30 lessons for me to break even. Pretty sweet deal for Thumbtack; not such a sweet deal for me. Am I doing something…
Clarification for Direct Leads@DustiO or ANYONE... I would like to know what are the requirements to show up for direct leads. I mean... if I set my calendar for absolute zero availability for the next 2 months I will not show up for any searches... but if I a…
Who is tuned in to the Pro Summit right now?And what has peaked your interest?
¡Crea una Introducción Impactante y Gana Más Clientes! ⚡La Introducción de su perfil es su primera oportunidad para captar la atención de los clientes. ¡Aprovéchela al máximo! ¿Qué es la Introducción? Es una sección libre en su perfil donde puede destacar lo que le hace único. Piense en …
Lead prices and competitorsHi, I've been using Thumbtack for a while and have somewhat enjoyed getting new clients, but I’m wondering why, whenever a client looks for a photographer for example, they’re given multiple competitors to choose from. In my opinion…
Criminal Lawyers PittsburghIf you were charged with a crime, whether it is a misdemeanor or felony, our Top Pittsburgh Lawyers can help fight your charges. Our number one goal is a full case dismissal or a significant reduction in charges. If the cops catch y…
Targeting By Zip CodeWith this new feature, what's the best way to use it to get a leg up on lead competitors? I've done gigs in certain cities repeatedly. Should I just compete in those zip codes and go hard with my spending only in those zip codes?
leads have been coming up with invalid, disconnected, or inaccurate phone numbersI have received multiple invalid, disconnected and incorrect phone numbers that are concerning. Thumbtack has been very difficult in issuing a refund for them and if the number is invalid, they say they have checked it and it is val…
Pro Suggestions for living with instant bookOk I agree with most negative reviews of Instant Book However sometimes if you can't beat em... join em Who here is having success with instant book and how do you handle the over inflated price tag? I'm curious if ANYONE is havi…
Join us at our Pro Summit.Why attend? Hear from Thumbtack leaders. Our CEO, Marco Zappacosta, and other Thumbtack leaders will share how your feedback guides our product improvements. See exclusive demos. Get a sneak peek of new and updated features you’ve…
Consent form and disclaimer ?Would it be possible for language tutors like myself, to have a process where potential language students read and sign a consent form before contacting me? Often, novice language learners are quite unfamiliar with the duration and …
Early access to the new version of texting client with no cost until hirefor the pass couple day I had an option in my lead category where I had early access to this new program where we can text a client at no cost and if I get hire I only get charge. Every time I click on it I just get a continuous 3 d…
Calendaring IssueFor Pros curious about how they continue to be charged for leads when their calendars are blocked, this is how Thumbtack is circumventing your calendar preferences: When searching for my own Pro account via an anon account, I was n…
Can I expand my service area outside of the 150 miles radius determined by Thumbtack?I'm a musician and travel all over the country for all sorts of events, however any opportunities that I have to travel outside of 150 miles come from other platforms. How can expand my service area outside of that range to include …
Be a featured expert.At Thumbtack we are always looking for ways to amplify our pro voices and pro stories. If you are a Top Pro (a pro with Platinum rewards status), you are eligible to become a featured expert. We feature our pros in many ways, like: …
How to do a background check with Server ErrorI get a server error on my laptop and my phone whenever I try to initiate the background check. Any help?
What % of "direct leads" actually end up booking you?I've gotten ~30 "direct leads" on thumbtack, and every single one has just vanished after 1 or 2 messages. Curious to hear if other contractors are also getting a high % of ghost leads. I understand that you won't book a …
Thumbtack Pro Minimum for LeadsI have been on Thumbtack for almost a month. They tell you the best ways to show up in searches is to have quick response rates (which I have worked on), 10 - 5 star reviews which I have 12, and spend more on leads, which isn't fair…
Instant BookingsNevermind
Leadsthe past 3 month has been nothing for us just holding the wrong side of the stick. Nothing just a waste of money every some of the refund request denied it’s getting very frustrating, client contact you no answer from phone call tex…
IncentivesI’ve been a pro for over 3 years. Highly rated never any issues. Promote as much as I can for free. I do feel like there’s should be some type of incentives for constant growth and business I brought to thumbtack as well. Especially…
¿Cuándo tiene derecho a un reembolso en Thumbtack? 🧐¿Alguna vez se ha preguntado cuándo tiene derecho a un reembolso en Thumbtack? Vamos a despejar todas sus dudas. ¿Cuándo se justifica un reembolso? En Thumbtack, entendemos que a veces las cosas no salen según lo planeado. Por eso, …
How often do you get auto-leads outside your travel preferences?How often do you get auto-leads outside your travel preferences? It seems like I get at least one per week. My travel preferences are set to 30 miles to avoid trouble, and it still happens. Last week I had an auto-lead 1,132 miles a…
I've heard buzz that there's a Zoom call on 25th of September.........I've heard buzz that there's a Zoom call on 25th of September. How do those of us Top Pro's get on that call?
I was a Pro, since retired. Now I can’t request services for my home since my account is closedI no longer want to get requests for bids, so I had to close my account. However, being retired I am looking for services from Thumbtack pros, but when I try, it says my account is closed. How do I have an account as a customer, but…
Photos will not uploadHello, I'm having a problem of uploading photos because I always get an error saying that it can not upload. I've uploaded other photos many times before but this time it wont even let me upload one photo. Please help me on this. …
How the Heck do I Access and/or Change my Rate?Just spent over an hour trying to find the magic click to gain access to my rates. Someone please help! Thx!
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