Thumbtack Community
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Big Ticket ItemsI did a wedding for a client that found me on Thumbtack. The wedding was July 14th and they still owe me a balance of $1000. They are giving me some BS story that he had to order a new card and it has not come in the mail yet. I di…
Real Customer Service?Hello, Is there a REAL or LIVE person I can speak with? I have been trying to get answers for a week now. Question #1. For the refunds I have received, how long does it take to be back on my card? It shows refunded but it is not r…
Sudden drop in leadsIt's been over 3 weeks now and the leads have dropped significantly, I read that people had this problem in the past but I only see someone from thumbtack will DM them and not really an answer I can draw a conclusion from. Something…
I refused to work with a client and he left me a 1-star reviewI've been working with Thumbtack for almost a year now and I like this app, it's working good for me, but I think it's time to talk about this annoying little unfair thing that exists on Thumbtack. In fact, now a client who turns t…
Leads that do not read the responsesHello how do you address leads that never visualize the response? And we are still paying high prices for it?Juniorpainter 75 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by ShaquealThomas Link your Thumbtack account with partner platforms
Very disappointed in what thumbtack has becomeWe've been on thumbtack for almost 2 years. This used to be a good resource for leads. Sadly, we will not use this platform anymore. I've given a few chances to set if things will get better and all were a bunch of dead leads which …
Is my account ban?Since I restarted using thumbtack I didn’t received any leads (everything is set right as it should, any my leads prices are set higher than normal ) and now I noticed I am not even appearing online on the pros list, I try so many t…
Question about how to expand my Thumbtack profile.I am a local personal fitness trainer and want to expand my coaching to virtual coaching. Do I need to set up a new profile or can I use my existing profile so I can set my distance settings?
📹 ¡No más gastos innecesarios! Vea el video y ahorre en Thumbtack.¡Hola comunidad de Thumbtack! ¿Sabía que puede personalizar cuánto paga por cada prospecto en Thumbtack? 🤑 Lo invitamos a ver nuestro video tutorial donde le explicamos paso a paso cómo establecer sus precios máximos por prospecto. …
Denied lead Refund that based policy should be refunded1) Customer's sent me that my quote was high and he found different tech, i was charged 39.85$ and refund request denied. 2) customer did not reply back i texted but no response, I was charged 61.89$ and refund request denied 3) C…
I am a Top Pro, my views are going up but my leads have stopped. PLEASE HELPThumbtack has been an absolutely amazing source of leads for our pressure washing business over the past month. We have been so excited to have found thumbtack and each week we got more views, more leads, more booked jobs, more revi…
Do you make $200,000 to $300,000 a year from thumbtack leadsYou could be. How often do you take time to work on your profile. To study your market and your competition My name is Brett douglas, I've been a top role in this platforms ever since it started. Every single quarter every single …
What is Thumbtack Pro Rewards, and how does it work?Thumbtack Pro Rewards is here - to recognize and celebrate YOU! You provide a great experience for your customers and we want you to know your effort doesn’t go unnoticed – we see you. Thumbtack Pro Rewards is made up of three tiers…
🚀 ¡Domine las reservas instantáneas y haga crecer su negocio en Thumbtack! 🚀¿Sabía que puede conseguir más clientes y aumentar sus ingresos sin mover un dedo? 🤯 ¡Con las reservas instantáneas de Thumbtack, sus clientes pueden reservar sus servicios de forma rápida y sencilla, directamente desde su perfil! ⚡…
Novo Webinar em Português Disponível em Nossa Biblioteca On-Demand!Temos notícias empolgantes para compartilhar com você. Estamos muito felizes em lançar uma série de webinars em português para atender melhor nossa incrível comunidade de falantes de português. Nosso primeiro webinar sobre como caus…
¡Buenas noticias! Cambios en la política de reembolsos 🎉Gracias a sus sugerencias y al apoyo de la Junta Asesora de Profesionales, hemos decidido ampliar el plazo de reembolso por cancelación de reservas instantáneas. Ahora, en lugar de 15 minutos, tendrán 1 hora completa (entre las 8 a…
SettingsHello I have a issue with the location services I’m not in TN and a keep receiving clients I’m in NY city I only provide services around NY and Ct
Havent gotten any leads in 5 daysIts been 5 days i was getting a lead every day for past 2 weeks and i have. Hreat reviews and reply right away what ia going on?
Can’t access some job in opportunityI been trying to access the opportunity jobs but unable to get to them can anyone please help out with this issue
Service Category Not AvailableDoes anyone know how to get ThumbTack to create a Service this is not an Option in the dropdown list?
Your insight is needed! How often should homeowners do these projects?Hi Pros! We’re relaunching our Home Care Price Index which looks at the cost of maintaining your home in cities across the country and would love your insight! We pulled together a list of essential home maintenance projects and how…
¡Más clientes y menos estrés con las reservas instantáneas de Thumbtack! 💪¿Le gustaría tener más control sobre su agenda y atraer a más clientes? ¡Las Reservas Instantáneas de Thumbtack son la solución! 🗓️ Beneficios de las Reservas Instantáneas: Más clientes: Atraiga a clientes que buscan servicios inmed…
Looking for Pros to feature in TT blogs about Sod Installation, Concrete Patio & Pest Control Costs!Hello! I'm the content marketing manager at Thumbtack. I'm currently looking for pros to interview in 3 cost guides about Sod Installation, Concrete Patio and Pest Control. These guides are created to help homeowners, customers and …
Notes area in leadsIs there an area in the leads where I can lead notes that are visible only to me?
Hope your leads are awesomeHey everybody it's Brett douglas, a top pro, from Orlando florida. I hope that each and every one of you are getting an incredible amount of leads and are able to sell and close out on the deals. It seems like we are starting to see…
¡Arranque con exito en Thumbtack! 🚀 ¡Su guía paso a paso!¡Hola, comunidad Thumbtack! ¿Nuevo por aquí? ¡No hay problema! En sus primeras dos semanas, esto es lo que debe saber para triunfar: ¿Cuál fue el trabajo más extraño o interesante que ha realizado como profesional? ¡Comparta su hist…
Top Pro Not searchableAs the top pro in my category, I'm not searchable at the moment, while others are even when they are out of budget. They will still show up with "limited availability" banner. This has happened to me repeatedly. Please fix!
Have a great thumbtack dayHello everybody. Just wanted to wish all the pros a great day. May it be your best business day ever warm regards Brett
¡Su guía para triunfar en Thumbtack!¡Hola a todos! 👋 En Thumbtack, queremos que tengan éxito. Por eso, hemos creado una variedad de recursos para ayudarlos a destacar y hacer crecer sus negocios: Recursos clave: Centro de ayuda en español: Encuentren respuestas a sus …
Reviews Not Showingcan anyone be of more assistance on the reviews? I've had a couple of reviews and they are not showing except one. I've had a few submitted by the client and don't know what the issue is. Customer service was not much help unfortuna…
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