Still Getting Fake Phone Number Leads?

The email went out and said that they would now refund for fake phone numbers. I paid $113 for a lead this week with an obvious fake and spam number. Has anyone had success getting a refund with the fake number? I reported the lead and graded it as a low-quality lead. I feel like that doesn't do much though.

I swear, it seems the more I pay for a lead ($100+) the more it's a fake/scam lead. The less I pay ($40-60), it's a real person. I've never had a $100+ lead pan out.


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,978

    @SarzozaPhoto Did you request a refund for that lead?

  • I did. It was denied. In the CommuniTEA today Shaq mentioned that if I called support, they may call the number while I'm on the line to see if it's a phony lead and reverse the decision. I get that the new system may be number verification for new accounts, but if it's an established spam account, they can still be a fake number.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,978

    @SarzozaPhoto Let me know if you were able to call and get it resolved!