Tracked by a wolf walking a clients dog!!!

I finished a job last night at 9:30pm. It was for walking a dog 3 times a day, for 2 days. I took him out last night for the last walk at 9pm. I’m in Texas, and of course it’s dark.

When we walk we go left, down a row of bushes on the right, garages on the left, until we hit the sidewalk. Then we go right and walk by a large parking lot to our right that has lights every 20-30ft maybe.

When we were coming back, I was looking down the sidewalk and I thought I could see another dog coming around or out of those bushes by the garages. Probably 1/2 a block away. I kept looking, then I thought it was a loose dog, what was I gonna do? We kept going because we had to go that way to get Midnight home.

When it came out of the bushes and further into the light, we got closer and I realized it was a wolf!! She didn’t notice us right away. She came out of the bushes, turned right and was walking past the bushes she came out of on the right. We were coming from her left and backside. I needed to figure out how to get past her to the other side of the bushes, down 4-5 garages, then home to the clients garage.

We were going to have to walk past her to get back, so I slowed down, unfortunately she noticed us anyway. She stopped walking, turned around and started watching(tracking) us all the way back. Even into the garage! and by then she was “sitting” there staring over at us!

It really freaked me out! We had to pass her when she was about 1/4 a block away just staring at us! We fast walked to the bushes, then I took off at a run! Looking back as much as possible. We ran back to the garage. I looked back one more time and she was sitting down in the same spot in the parking lot, but she was turned toward the garages now, sitting down and watching us. She was probably like what heck’s wrong with that lady??!! lol

I must admit, it SCARED ME TO DEATH! When I had to go out the front door to get to my car and go home, I had to hide the clients key first, then I ran all the way to my car hoping the wolf went another way 😂

I will be much more animal concerned when I’m walking at night now. I’ve got this pet corrector that should help for now. I’ll order something that’s more specific to what I need.

I just wanted all the pros that might walk dogs or do other work outside at night, to know this kind of stuff happens, so we should all carry some protection!! I’m probably one of the few that don’t already 😜 Good luck out there!!


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,998

    OMG that IS scary! Glad everything worked out ok!!!

  • cltexan
    cltexan Posts: 8

    That must’ve been crazy! I will say, it probably wasn’t a wolf. The last known wild wolf in Texas was shot in the early 80’s I believe. I’ve seen some tall scary coyotes, though.