Thumbtack needs to educate customers that they charge pros

I have ran into this so often while using thumbtack.... I'll get a lead, and it's $112 and the customer contacted FIVE pros!! I'm sorry, but they shouldn't be able to contact more than 3 tops, unless they are unsatisfied with the first 3 pros. And I've said something to customers, especially with the ridiculous mandatory instant book, about the charge for the lead, and they had no idea that thumbtack charges us pros for the leads. I think thumbtack should let customers know that they need to fill out the job requests accurately, because they charge pros based on their answers. I've had 1 say 10-20 lights, and then they only wanted 5 lights, and the lead cost $75, and the job only made $250 total. Where is the avocation for the pros here? It seems like it's all about the customers, but yet, thumbtack makes all their money off of the pros... shouldn't we be the ones that they want to keep happy???


  • Awen
    Awen Posts: 2
    edited January 15

    Yes, folks that are "shopping around" getting estimates should be limited to 1 if you ask me. Most of us post our pricing I don't know why folks are still doing this unless Thumbtack isn't putting our pricing in front of their faces BEFORE they contact us. Thumbtack WILL use your entire weekly lead budget even if they have to double up leads and it reminds me of my terrible experience with…

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  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    @Awen Completely understand the frustration (as a previous business owner myself). Customers do see pricing up front, and they are limited to 4 pros within the first 4 hours (I think that's the time frame). Thumbtack is focused currently on better educating customers however, often customers (on or off of TT) do want to get multiple bids for a job. I would be sure to be clear in your initial message about what makes you stand out from other pros. I would also check your Max Lead Prices to make sure you have those set at a price where you feel comfortable. You can always play around with those and see how it impact lead volume (it looks like you have already done this, though). If you are ever able to attend our bi-weekly networking sessions there are a lot of pros who have great advice when it comes to standing out, winning the job, or getting to those unresponsive customers.

  • Awen
    Awen Posts: 2

    Thank you for the information.

  • For a direct lead that a customer picks after searching through thumbtack and picking your business and you pay that direct lead automatically, the customer should not be offered two or three additional pros for quotes to access more direct lead payment. They should be dealing only with who they originally picked for a so called direct lead. If you give them three more pros as an option then that should be placed in an opportunity lead not a direct lead and the pro that wins the job should only be charged. Pros lose the incentive of being a target pick from the client and loses the incentive of paying automatic for leads, at the same time they separated themselves from the competition with there profile and reviews to be picked as a direct lead and should not have thumbtack tell the customer here are a few more pros would you like to send your request to these pros. What's the point of a direct lead. Makes no sense. One more point why can't thumbtack let the clients know that pros get charged for them requesting estimates and when they respond. Better yet why can't you charge the client to receive a few pros to quote and the pro only pays for the lead if he signs the job. Makes no sense it about thumbtacks bottom line. It's ridiculous.

  • Biggulp
    Biggulp Posts: 3

    @DustiO "Completely understand the frustration (as a previous business owner myself). Customers do see pricing up front, and they are limited to 4 pros within the first 4 hours (I think that's the time frame)."

    Where do customers see the pricing of contacting a TT Pro upfront?

  • Clients don't see pro lead cost up front when requesting an estimate. That is the main reason why it's not a qualified lead. I think if they saw a message that please be advised Pro to get charged an upfront fee before continuing to click yes please send my job to 4 more pros. They may only choose to go with the one pro they originally selected and elect not to have 4 total pros give estimates because that pros profile and review already sold the client. If thumbtack says well clients usually want 3 quotes, they should have the client not hire the pro and have them pick a new pro. Or the one who wins the job gets charged the full price for the lead not all 4 pros. There has to be someone to make this work. One more thing if a pro is one that has multiple services in different categories maybe thumbtack should only cut a pro off from that one category only till its paid otherwise, we lose money as well as thumbtack. Example kitchens and bathrooms leads are high cost and sometimes takes a pro time to pay that for let's say 3 leads especially if he didn't close any jobs, but currently his account is temporarily closed for all categories until paid. I am suggesting if I do kitchens and I get a lead for $300 but didn't land the job if my budget is low for that month or week, we can't sell other jobs like tile, countertops, etc. other smaller categories because kitchen and bath took the whole budget with no sale.

  • One other thing, I use to like to have access to view opportunity projects when my temporarily off till leads were paid to see what was out there and usually made me move money to make that payment much faster when i saw new Oppurtunites.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    @Biggulp they will see the price that the pro would charge for the job, if the pro has entered their pricing information. We do not show customers up front what the pro is being charged (if that is what you meant). As with any marketing engine, there is a cost to customer acquisition, and I don't think I have ever seen anywhere where I am told up front that the one advertising their service is being charged, but I can understand how this is frustrating.

    @Whatgoingonhere to make sure I understand, are you currently not able to see opportunities when you log in?