Thumbtack Success Workshop

DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,978
edited March 2024 in Thumbtack Pro Rewards

One of the perks of Thumbtack Pro Rewards is the chance to attend a Success Workshop led by Thumbtack's most seasoned agents. During each Pro Rewards period pros with Silver status can hear our team's biggest tips for success, and are able to ask questions live. They're also able to hear from some of Thumbtack's Top Pros and learn some of their tips for success. Things like:

  • Make your preferences work for you
  • Respond to customers effectively
  • Get good reviews quickly
  • Tips from successful pros
  • and more

@Lemargriffinfilms @junkminers11 and @ShaquealThomas - all community members and Top Pros, have joined and shared their secrets to success. And honestly, their advice has been pretty amazing. (Thank you, all!)

@ParuGambhir attended one workshop and said, “It was nice not just to be looking for a solution, but to be having a discussion about why we are experiencing a certain issue. And, all these years we’ve grown up with TT - it was great to see the people behind the scenes.”

Check your rewards status to see if you are eligible and register for this period’s workshop. And, comment below to tell us what things you would like to learn to help you expand your business on Thumbtack. If you're not quite eligible, please drop your questions below and we'll share advice here in this thread.
