Targeting By Zip Code

With this new feature, what's the best way to use it to get a leg up on lead competitors? I've done gigs in certain cities repeatedly. Should I just compete in those zip codes and go hard with my spending only in those zip codes?


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,813

    I would definitely leverage this along with your performance dash that we chatted about today. I don't think you can specify spending in specific areas, since your budget covers overall spending. You could try eliminating the areas that seem oversaturated and then just focus on the lower supply/higher demand areas?

    It's such a new feature I don't know if many will have any advice at this point, but hopefully we see some trickle in soon!

  • Do i use both zip codes and mileage radius to reach my clients, or pick just one; Thank you;

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,813

    @Marge_Gabbert It looks like you have yours set up a little differently, since customers travel to you and you don't travel to them — in that setting it looks like you only have the mile radius option.

    If you enable the "I travel to customers" option in your travel types you should see the Zip Code option, but to answer your question you would need to pick just one - the zip codes would override the mile radius and vice versa if you were to go change the mile radius after adding the zip codes.