New Years Resolutions!

Meckell Administrator Posts: 106
edited December 2021 in Network and Collaborate

Have you started thinking about New Years Resolutions for your business yet? If so, share them here! We'd love to hear what your plans are for 2022 and share them on our social media channels!


  • alexrez52

    My new year resolution is going to be to do everything possible to persuade Thumbtack to make some progress in its further application/ questionnaire development. Cause in many cases the leads we pay for as pros are mismatching or drastically differ from our skills or services advertised. To my strong opinion, in majority of cases this is a result of the insufficient description of the customers’ needs which is based, in its turn, on the still undeveloped questionnaire.

    An example? Easy. I am with translations. A customer needs a verbal interpreter (not a translator) and in a particular state only. Regardless my clear preferences according to whose I provide remote services only and work on written translations rather than verbal interpretations, I get that lead, pay $18+ (quite much, by the way) for it, just to learn later that the project in issue is not for me. But I was still charged and, if the charge disputed, I usually get a bold, formal denying response.

    So that is and should be my new year resolution.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,634

    @alexrez52 Thank you so much for the thoughtful feedback. Do you have any other resolutions (personal or professional) for the year that you would like to share? Or any advice for business owners who are just starting out?

  • alexrez52

    My personal/business resolution is to reach and maintain the platinum status at Thumbtack. For new businesses joining Thumbtack, I would recommend to apply some additional effort in order to enter a thoughtful and detail-oriented description of services they are about to offer. And my additional new year wish for Thumbtack itself: provide more options for new services! Since life is more complex and diversified to be constrained within 10-15 or so options. If one’s business idea stands out, for example, what such a perspective pro should do? At least, enter an option “Other” for non-trivial ideas! Let’s be more creative in 2022!

  • Meckell
    Meckell Administrator Posts: 106

    @Danielle_Penn @Inbody @CurlyBartender @PomeranzLaw @patrykkg @Stat do any of you have a new years resolution for your business that you'd like to share?

  • PomeranzLaw
    PomeranzLaw Community Leader Posts: 32

    Not yet. I spent much time last year building out my 2021 goals and want to take an inventory before shifting focus to 2022. A concerted effort / focus for the New Year is a great approach for any business.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,634

    @PomeranzLaw I actually love this approach so much. Thank you for sharing! Any tips for how you "take inventory" of the previous year?

  • PomeranzLaw
    PomeranzLaw Community Leader Posts: 32

    Review my goals against actual performance. I had done this loosely in prior years so I am excited to actually spend time on it this year.

  • PaulG
    PaulG Posts: 8

    I have given this a lot of time to think about what my resoultion would be. Unfortunately, by the time May or June comes around I typically forget about any kind of resolution I made in January! 2021 has been unlike anything I have seen in the years I have been in business. Providing, by myself, over 1400 music lessons this year, which has not ended, has truly been enjoyable, and at times, stressful!

    I think it is important for me to take time off when needed to relax and enjoy this journey! There are other things that I enjoy doing outside of teaching. I have exceeded goas for the business this year and will continue to next year!

    However, I also need to exceed goals for myself and that is my resolution will be. To make me just as important!

    If you have gotten this far, thank you for reading this!


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,634

    Love this @PaulG - I agree that self-care is SO important. I am a firm believer that I need to take care of me first, before I can take care of anything else. Do you have any thoughts on how you will do that this year?

  • Danielle_Penn
    Danielle_Penn Community Leader Posts: 38

    @Meckell Happy 2022, and thanks for tagging us!

    I constantly challenge myself, employees, family, and friends to find something new that they would instead put off and do anyway. A task, for example, that once completed will be valuable. Or a new approach of learning that can add to what one does that improves his/her/their business.

    My wish for everyone this year is to challenge yourself, improve upon a skillset, and flourish in all you do.

    Best wishes to all for an excellent 2022!

  • PaulG
    PaulG Posts: 8

    Hi DustiO,

    This year I am making certain that I take time off as needed. One way I will be doing that is by making sure that what I want to do is on my calender. I know that it may sound silly but what is important goes on the calendar. So if I am on my calendar, then I must be imposrtant?


  • Elle__38
    Elle__38 Posts: 118

    Cool as Astrology & Tarot FYI TIP: There are auspicious times throughout the year to set intentions and goals. As the trite but true saying goes--'timing is everything'! *2/22/2022 is one of those times*. In the run-up to that date, over the next few weeks, give some serious thought to what your goals are for the rest of this year. Write them down and then swallow the paper 😁, just joking. Do write a few ideas down though! Set a mental intention to realize them. And let the magic happen 💥. Believe me, when you check your list later on in the year, you'll be aahhmazed...

  • Elle__38
    Elle__38 Posts: 118

    My 2022 goal is to get more Tt Pros--that means you!--tapped in, tuned in and turned on to the all-encompassing benefits of ASTROLOGY & its sister, TAROT. Taking it from the woo-woo to the WOW-WEE 💥

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,634

    @Elle__38 I love the image with the "kindness zone" - I need that sign to just carry around with me everywhere I go!!

  • Elle__38
    Elle__38 Posts: 118

    Imho, you don't need signage b/c you've got wattage 💨