Has politics from 2016 to present had a negative effect on your business relationships?


Has politics from 2016 to present had a negative effect on your business relationships? 8 votes

12% 1 vote
75% 6 votes
Not sure
12% 1 vote


  • ycc
    ycc Posts: 11

    I leave all issues related to politics out of my business arena -- anything even remotely related to politics. I consider my business to be one based on inclusion, period. At the end of the day we are all part of the human family.....

  • perrysto
    perrysto Community Leader Posts: 3

    I don't know, what I don't know, so not sure how to answer this.

    But from what I do know, I cannot point to any specific negative impact that I've identified.

    Interesting question.

  • Danielle_Penn
    Danielle_Penn Community Leader Posts: 38
    Not to my knowledge it hasn't. Now, what the government does affects us all. On a personal note between myself and clients. I stay out of these conversations and always talk wedding chit-chat. ;)
  • DanielGoodpaster

    All of my customers end up talking politics. I have yet to meet a customer that voted for our current administration.