Instant booking is reinforcing the distance between Thumbtack and pros
I'm Thumbtack pro since 2016. It was a amazing tool back them. Over the years, Thumbtack is forcing the pros to accept changes that are not good for them.
Instant booking is far the worst change ever made.
I have 4 power washing crews that works on a 2 hours radius in 3 states. Sometimes, I have open spots in one section but not in other. How can I manage someone book me a job 2 ours away from where the crew is? That's disastrous.
Also, each job can be priced differently. So, should I pay for a very expensive lead then figure out that the information provided by the customer is inaccurate forcing me to reprice it?
Can someone explain me how can I do that preserving the good image of my company?
Thumbtack Pro since 2017 for me. It was a great tool to help get me established. That said, the last few years have not been great. We are required to list a price in a business where "one size fits all" doesn't work. The client generally picks the lowest price, then is angry when you give the actual quote. $15-$20 a lead is manageable when I am closing 60-70%. $75-$90 (on jobs that are $350-$400) doesn't work even I close 100%. I can't imagine any Pros working in that price range being able to stay with Thumbtack. Lead services always lose site of who the customer is, it just took Thumbtack longer
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