Can’t get help

I’m a Thumbtack Pro silver status. I have never been able to reach anyone at Thumbtack about some issues regarding my account. I’m been getting a lot of work. Is there a phone number where I can actually talk to someone? I’ve tried calling before and no one answered. Was on hold twice for over an hour. Leads are coming in through 2 different emails. Both are mine, but some reviews go to one and some to the other. All are 5 stars. I’d like them to go to just one so it shows I have more. I don’t want to mess anything up because other than that I’m getting a lot of direct leads that I usually can close.


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,015

    @Ro_harrison1 I looked you up and it looks like you have made 2 separate profiles for the same service. You'll want to delete one if you want to stop getting leads from both. Unfortunately, reviews cannot be transferred from one to the other, so I'd advise doing it ASAP so you don't keep having this issue. One is through this email address that you posted from, the other is from a hotmail address.

    Figure out which one you want to keep and then here are the instructions for removing/deleting. Hope this helps!

  • Matt
    Matt Posts: 170

    @DustiO It would be so nice if reviews as a business could be applied to all profiles, or even better, to eliminate the mileage from zip code if the Pro wants it.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,015

    I agree it would be great if that were possible! Hopefully in the future!

  • Thanks for the advice. I’m afraid to delete one because I don’t want to lose all the business I’ve been getting. I think I’ll resend the request for the review from the one I want to use. I don’t know if they’re each Thumbtack pro silver accounts. I’ll touch base with the people before I do . The hotmail account is definitely Thumbtack pro. I seem to get most leads on one of them. Both accounts show my hotmail email as the linked email. It’s totally confusing.

  • The original one was set up on the website, and then I got an email from Thumbtack suggesting I set it up on the app. As I mentioned, I’ve tried to get in touch with someone at Thumbtack without success.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,015

    That is really weird. I would recommend sending an email to to see if they have any more insight. Otherwise, would still recommend to delete one of them to avoid confusion.