Refund requests and screenshots

I submitted a refund request and was denied, so I had to call and walk the rep through why I felt a refund was in order (the job went from a ceiling mural, to a a textured wall), and when I submitted for a refund, there was no option to attach a screenshot to the message.

After I was denied I then had to wait on hold for 20 minutes, then send an email to Thumbtack to finally get the refund approved. Am I missing something or is there really no way to attach images/messages to the refund request?


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,967

    I don't believe there is a way to do it in that request form, but this is great feedback. I am glad you were able to get that one refunded, but sorry that you had to spend that much time on it!