Help with non-responsive leads

stelmihas Posts: 1
edited November 2023 in Business Resources

Dear community,

I just got charged $30 for a lead that never posted on my 'direct leads' tab and the potential client never responded. This is about guitar lessons.

I am guessing the client changed his mind or was just not serious about it, which happens quite a lot in this line of work, so he immediately withdrew the request.

I find it extremely unfair to get charged an amount like this for someone just expressing interest. I would be happy to pay this for a lesson that is booked (although it would be like me loosing 40% of the lesson) but then at least that is a connection with a potential client. But this is ridiculous.

I find this to be extremely unfair especially if the party declaring interest is not getting charged anything at all. In other words ther is no commitment whatsoever on their behalf.

Does anyone have any similar experience? Anyone know if you have to pay to get connected as a client on thumbtack? Any feedback on how I can get a refund? (note; the job was never posted on my leads, though I got charged for it)

Thanks in advance to the community,



  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    Hi @stelmihas and thank you for posting. I have a couple of recommendations:

    1. Make sure that you have your Max Lead Price set to prices you feel comfortable paying for leads.
    2. You can submit a refund request for this lead here.

    You're welcome to join us for CommuniTEA, a bi-weekly networking event that we hold over Zoom, where you can chat with other pros and get their advice. We often talk about leads that don't respond, refunds, etc and pros who attend, like @ShaquealThomas @soonerkimmy @Bretdouglas @busyb and more always have really great insights to share!

  • Please join us!

  • I am sorry that a bad lead happened. We too as a top pro that's excelled on this platform for like the last 8 years. We have had our shares of bad leads or people change in their mind and canceling right away. I know that it's hurtful when you're looking at a tight budget and having to make choices how to run your business. But I know in the end Thumbtack is the number one lead generation tool and it's basically built our entire business model. Dusty has some great ideas and if you need any personal advice we are always here and will tell the truth no matter what. There are good days and bad days but through it all we're all in this together. I'm Brett Douglas and can you reached at 386-500-8217 I'm always available by text if you need anything. Dusty's another great connection and any of the other pros were all here to help. It's not a solo adventure this app has the built-in benefit of having many other pros that are on the same boat trying to help each other out. It's that helping hand that makes the biggest difference with the Thumbtack family

    Warm regards

    Bret Douglas


  • busyb
    busyb Posts: 59

    @stelmihas like any lead generation platform you really have to "work it" and definitely understand how your max lead price drives everything. I will try to be on the CommuniTEA Zoom call next week but it will depend on whether I can break away from my client. Or feel free to reach out to me at 720-637-2492 anytime. I try to respond to all messages by the end of the day but if for some reason you don't hear back from me shoot me a text. Sometimes I don't get voice messages and it is just one more reason why I have trust issues!!! 🤣

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    PS @stelmihas it will show up in your messages once you respond to it - I think I saw it there, but let me know if you still aren't seeing it and I can show you how to submit a bug report. Thanks to everyone else for your helpful input!