Hire Count Glitches/Miscounts

Hi Pros!
My name is Alex and I have a bartending company serving NYC called The Paloma Girls. I signed up with Thumbtack 2 years ago in hopes of meeting new clients and it has completely jump-started my business and encouraged me to grow in ways I never imagined. Really!
The problem I am bringing to you is this: Hire Counts NOT updating on my profile. I have been hired through Thumbtack 59 times, but my profile only says 43 times. Many customers have left me reviews, I have marked ALL of the completed jobs "Job Done," and have even worked with the same customers again outside of Thumbtack after the first completed job.
Customer service has told me on 2 separate occasions that "there's nothing we can do," "we can't manually update this number," and "we do not need to see proof of invoices or contracts as we can not do anything about this." I did not notice this problem until November 2023 when my hire counts suddenly stopped dead in their tracks at 42. The last customer service rep I spoke to was able to see that my last review did not count towards a hire and they were able to change my 42 to a 43.
This "number" equals credibility, professionalism, experience. This number is very important in snagging new customers in this ever-competing platform.
My suggestion to Thumbtack was to remove the hire counts all together since this "obvious glitch cannot be fixed." I am proud of my number and do not want it to go away for others either, but what can we do??
SOS, it's not "just a number",
Alex - The Paloma Girls
Hi Alex @ThePalomaGirls I wasn't able to find any more info than you already posted here/learned from support. But, if I hear of any updates I will for sure let you know! If I were you I would be sure to submit a bug report and keep following up to support@thumbtack.com.
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