Leads: Repair services should be separate from maintenance services .

We would like to send in our gratitude to thumbtack we have been with them ever since our beginnings and we have seen the benefits over the years. However it has come to our attention there is a need for adjustments on leads services. We wanted to open up a discussion about changing the way repair or maintenance leads comes in.

We think our fellow pros will agree with us that a repair service is not the same as maintenance service. In our case its categorize as : Central air conditioning repair or maintenance.

A repair is when there is a problems that needs fixing and a maintenance is generally done to prevent any possible problems in the future. The way the repair or maintenance services leads is set up now, confuses both customer and pro on what type of service is needed at the time of booking.

We suggest to separate each services and generating leads for repairs only and leads for maintenance only.

Hope this feedback is of great info and help to everyone.


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    @coolexpress this is great feedback - we are working on a suggestion box feature in the Community that will connect your feedback with your account and log it, but in the meantime can you please send this to support@thumbtack.com to be sure it gets logged under your account? Thank you!

  • Awesome!! Perfect, we will send out an email. Thank you