Denied lead Refund that based policy should be refunded

1) Customer's sent me that my quote was high and he found different tech, i was charged 39.85$ and refund request denied.
2) customer did not reply back i texted but no response, I was charged 61.89$ and refund request denied
3) Customers asked license that I don’t have indicated on my profile , i was charged twice 42.79$ and 34.61$
does someone in reality review refund requests?
Happy Monday, Lado. I came in here just to get info on how to delete my account and saw your question. I have been on Thumbtack for about 2 years and my experience has been that yes , they do actually review refund requests. I have had refunds and denials.
Thumbtack can be a slippery slope and I dont know how new you are to it. It has changed in the last two years so I want to try to help you.
If you have auto leads set, if a lead reaches out to you AT ALL, you will be billed. It will be within TT's guidelines. They do not control what a lead sends. This was a tough one to swallow since TT also blindly suggests 3 other pros when a lead asks about any pro. This helps them make money but is terrible for the pro. I believe your #1 & 2 will fall under these. If #2 was an OPPORTUNITY that you approached first, always put in your message to "reply only needed if they would like to hire you" or "please do not reply here for hire. I can be reached at ..." This helped me to not be charged for "no, thank yous."
#3 If you were charged by the same client for the same request, this will most likely be a refund. I dont know if you'd get both because we basically get charged for having access to the lead. Be as thorough as you can be in your profile (not that all leads read), even listing the things you do NOT do so that you can have a leg to stand on when requesting a refund.
Don't bid (set your price) more than you can stand to lose just to show up higher on the list. TT will get paid and you will not. Reach out if you have any other questions :-)
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I appreciate your response, which was very helpful. Yes, I am new to this platform. In two weeks already spent 329$ for leads and none of the job done so far 🫣 just recently I reduced my budget amount for that reason, I already hate this app . Sure, when I sent the initial estimate, I got an autoreplay on my personal phone, but none of them called back 🙄. Is there any possibility that if I wait and do not send anything, I will not be charged? I refer to instance #2. Regarding #3, it was not the same customer, but the same reason why I was not hired. I was previously reimbursed for the same reason, so I believe they do not give a damn about what you say when you request a refund. Is there a choice on the refund list that will result in a 100% reimbursement? In addition, I got three support numbers none of them answer my calls 😒
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I havent used the app in a few months and am just waiting for my account to be deleted, but I have talked or at least text with them several times so I am not sure why you arent getting an answer.
If a lead reaches out to you first (INQUIRY) - you are automatically billed if you set parameters for the type of client you are wanting. If the lead fits your set parameters, then you get billed no matter what their question is or whether they respond to your response or not. Under MESSAGES tab you can sometimes see whether they went with someone else on TT. There you can also see if you had competition and if you were outbid.
If you reach out to a lead first (OPPORTUNITY), make sure it is a customer asking for specifically what you offer and where, then put in your quote the best way to reach you with follow up questions is #123 or on your website. Be thorough. Answer any questions you think they may ask in your quote! The key is to get them to NOT reply on TT. If they call you, then there is no charge. If they reply, AT ALL WITH ANYTHING, you get charged and OPPORTUNITIES are more expensive than LEAD INQUIRIES.
TT can be difficult if your field is saturated. It definitely works for many and worked very well for me until the price increases. Maybe reach out to a PRO in another state that has a lot of reviews here and ranks high. They may be willing to share how they make it work without going broke. But do not reach out to them through TT. They will get charged. Google their contact info and reach out that way.
Hope this helps :-)
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Thumbtack are becoming a scammers . I was denied a refund. Even tho my preferences are set for corporate Ana I received a lead for a wedding. I still got denied. I think they are loosing business that’s why why they are doing stuff like that and that’s why they are advertising more than ever.
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@Ash2023 sorry this happened to you. Corporate and wedding seem obviously different :-( I have been trying for 7 months to get them to totally DELETE my Pro account. I deactivated and turned off all payments but they will not delete my information for some reason. Maybe that is how they make it appear they have Pros. I dont know. They were pretty fair with me on requested refunds. I didn't always get them but I would say I received the majority of my requests. They simply have gotten too expensive and suggest other Pros to your client decreasing the chance that you will get the business. Just not for me. I want them to stop holding my account hostage, though. :-(
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That sux. Also, you were charged $39.85, not 39.85$
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@HBTCWed_Lakela deactivating a pro account is something that you will need to do on your end. Here is an article that walks you through it.
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Hello :-) Yes, @DustiO i, I did these things before I reached out to you. I have since rechecked that the DEACTIVATION was done after you sent me this response last month. I have called the old PRO # I had, I have text, I have emailed and I have posted on facebook and sent facebook message
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@DustiO and I cannot get a response after my initial request 7-8 months ago for DELETION. So, I will continue to try (and repeat) every avenue I can until my account is DELETED, not just deactivated. I feel like my info is being held hostage by Thumbtack. Thank you.
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@HBTCWed_Lakela From what I can see the account has not been deactivated, it looks like you've only turned off targeting preferences. Are you sure you went through all the steps to deactivate (according to that article I linked)? If so, let me know.
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I am following up on my end too, to see what I can learn
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@DustiO yes, ma'am, twice I went thru the steps previously. I requested download of my info, as well. After deactivation I received an email saying it would take a short while to get my account deleted but it has been 7-8 months now. Tomorrow I will go back and see why I need to deactivate, again. Thanks so much.
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Ok that is helpful to know - I have someone looking into it on my end as well and will let you know. And you are welcome!
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I'm new to all this and geez, I'm learning as I go. I landed 3 portrait jobs from TT and I have paid at least over $200 now for leads, my most recent one was like 3 leads contacted me, 2 did not reply after it messaged me for availability and ghosted me, now, I have to pay like over $60, This sort of sucks lol I might deactivate my account and go checkout NextDoor.
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