Shadow ban for leads?

Hi Guys,

I hope to find and advice or answer for my question.

Input data:

I'm Top Pro (Actually Top-5 Pro in my area)

138 reviews with 4.8 rating

100% answer for leads.

Average speed of answer for the lead - 2 minutes

Budget - unlimited

Today, I took the time to examine the hiring process within my niche and area. Surprisingly, my account was not listed among the TOP-5, nor could I find it anywhere on the list. Yet, the first page is dominated by companies with only 1-5 reviews, relegating my profile to merely an additional option for customers.

How is this possible? Does Thumbtack prefer to promote new accounts at the expense of established companies?

Could you advise on any possible solutions to rectify this situation?

Thank you!


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993

    When I look you up, your are #2 in the list — not sure what happened when you were searching? I tried on my desktop and also just by searching for a handyman in your area on my phone and both times you were second on the list. What category were you searching in?