[Resource of the Week] Webinar: How To Target Your Ideal Customers

Join us for another live webinar - How To Target Your Ideal Customers, where you'll learn strategies to target the customers you want, effectively. By implementing the strategies covered, you'll attract more of your ideal customers, convert more leads into profitable jobs, and build a loyal clientele for repeat business.
When: Thursday, 4/18 at 10 am MT
In this event, we’ll learn about:
- Setting targeting to attract your ideal customer.
- Managing your calendar’s availability to work with your business schedule.
- Respond to customers efficiently, turning more leads into profitable jobs.
- Learn how to rank higher in search results.
- How Front Desk saves time and increases your chances of getting hired.
- Note: The event also includes live Spanish translation
Register here.
This webinar is for pros who are new to Thumbtack, or, any pros who want to learn tips to target their ideal customers. Don't miss out — take your business to the next level. Register now. If you have any questions, drop them in the comments!
Tagging in our Community members who have been active in the Community over the past month.
@AFRPLLC @djnipsey @GoodQuestionTutoring @4seasonscontractors @Fe_abouchar2024 @HandyDany @MSB_Carpentry83 @Sherry6 @ProperShopGDS @ChefVictor @RobertBrown @Gary_GMPMContracting @poojakhullar @ShaquealThomas @stephaniejones2196 @pmpazo @JamieSmithFitness @Mommascleaning @Proinstallsplus1 @Onaiwuh @Kimberly_Martinez @Starsky5513 @Chrissy @Ohio_Locksmith_Guy @Ashley27 @Twinz @Jiffy_Dumpster_5 @David79 @Phillip_Beregovoy @William_Chafee @Luana_Pitol @GarrettMechanical @Heroum_design2022 @gatsbyz @Pokey_az1121 @Shevonjames @busyb @theyueli @PULLC @1William_Martinez @Matt @structuralguy65 @Ash2023 @alain @Noahs_Moving13 @James_Secord1 @Kristina_FreyKeller @RonR @joejoseph @Vlad @DCS @Simon_Lovell @amccarthy @Scott_Young @vividlyven @ChefAsia @Jeff_jtv2020 @Cleide_Daiha @cccruver37 @Kyle_Ore_TN @budzinmn @Oscar @arvtoon @Anuj Varma @KW_CleaningCo2024 @ARMOR_SERVICE_GROUP @Andre Gou @KesXcent @Sundaymornin @Julie_Schmolke @Rod @matthewmichael @Hpolonski212527 @Karakulidi @AR2i @Motherofthree @Erika_Salloux @ASharp235 @dmezier @Scooterf64 @CAMGR_LLC_1 @dsaldivar @jarrahmarie @Rosecalmon @Patrick @september_marie77 @nicole2381 @BubblegumXMusic @BusinessOwner @gabyberinst @mken @Jeanne_Kulwin @Lea_Morgan @Jksolutionsinc @Aridel225 @Precision13 @EPhetsa @JeffreyRenner @ktlady757 @NexGenRemodeling @Walters_Electric32 @RevGregFisher @HappyBayConstruction @Melissa_Mallory @Kerryg @mgafar @Vbastos @Almaz @krystalcleaning @Mendhalimgood1 @DaleSpringhetti01 @MGarcia1995 @Elisabeth_63 @Crazydoglady @rocnjazlvr @ErnieO @STL_Shooter78 @HomeCrashpad @Powergroup24 @Jennifer_Longociu @Theresa @gineva @Pat_Renaldi @DanteHawkinsc @Kristi_Jarrett @Thebestpainters @Kimberly_Cope @Nick237 @Spotcleaning_jk2021 @xeniaioa @rschnepf13 @Yulia @NareshSetlur @Janis @Kimberly_Cipolla @Carlos_ @kris10judy @Lidia @Pricedavin51 @Tarkus @rosiepower @MRM_Services @Voiceteacheremily @Melissa_Rollo_Capale @HBTCWed_Lakela @DianaPhotoVideo @Diorides @SWsunset1_LLC @Noble_Canon @hellohello @Parsons_Construction@Eryn @Craig_Washington_Ii @Michael_Lanier @Joshua @Mightyoaks @Onehour2024 @Fil777 @OscarMike @Bretdouglas @jnieri1986 @Swualizer_1 @Toptierchauffeur @tcorah @Julia_Evo @Judith_Anderson @Jay_Tharian @Beechwindowcleaning @JohnSwanson_89 @soonerkimmy @RAB @Victor_Bright @SantiagopristineMaid @Shonicepooniwala @RightMoves @vformandco @wward003_ @Jakekimmis @Passionateedge1 @Aura @FernandoTerry305 @zee @Steve_Creswell @Robgs3tx @Brockjanis @GEORGII5 @Stephthetech @William_Castillo @Dmitry @FreshCoatPainters_MB @Lado @Jerry_Garmon @Doug_Dern @KLsmith @MickyTandT @Libertypsiwash @dncarpenter2 @chaavaall_83 @Terbear_3 @JoyB @Jingjun @DennisGonier @fitlowecoaching @rvgrand @Daniel_Budinich @JamesDeansHandywork @Branscott @JudithGosse_7 @LionStoneWorks @lukemetzler @AllTime @Sergii @Jesus_c_david @Mitchell_Lawncare @glebmx @ketannaina @Azhandyman @RDCushing @Modern_designer11 @Belinda_Breyer @MilanCleaningCompany @InjuryLawyer @Pfscbres @Just_a_Dad @1_Rodent_Specialist @WeddingPro0115 @YogaMandhi @eberhardevents @Chaos33 @Orsoncole_1 @Emily2701 @ShutterByNitish @Zawackiconstruction @PrimePlumbing22 @Bgd_Mediators22 @HarpersOKC @Angela_NP @GeminiPhotoATX @Patricia899 @HELP @Chooselove05 @Shapedbysymone @Eduardo_Kanegusuku @Zumari2022 @T60_Awareness @Aaron_Lapointe @Hardwood72 @JOSEP95 @sandy2510 @luxor @ThomasdConstruction @Handyman_services08 @JRussell @coolexpress @AlFaber @CoachJ1985 @Jesus_Proenza @kostlover @robf @Roofgalore @ThatPlumberGuy
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Hi Everyone, I hope you have a marvelous time this weekend. BTW What is this feature and how do you utilize it? Janis the Hypnotherapist in Annapolis MD
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Is Front Desk a real thing? I've scheduled 3 calls this week to sign up for the service and zero of the reps have actually called me.
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Yes, it is @junkgiant — sorry to hear that that happened to you! Let me see what i can find out.
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@junkgiant Sorry for the delay - I was out at a conference last week! Let me see if I can find out who would know more about this!
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@junkgiant someone from the team will be reaching out to you today!
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