
Why is this a thing since when do we get instant booking for multiple pros. This supposed to be a direct leads not instant book. Cause last time I check the goal for instant booking was to add all info and book one pro only for the services so why was I charge for instant book with another pro. Instant book was to cut competition right so what is that.
I'm not able to look into this specific lead, since I can't see the customer's name. However, I would guess that it is because this was booked for an "On-site estimate" and I think a lot of folks get more than one estimate when getting jobs done.
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@DustiO the client name is David Valentine yes client looking for multiple quote before getting a job done which is why we have direct leads where it give the client the options to contact multiple people like it always been. Kirk they mention instant book was introduce to cancel out competition between pro and headache to clients right. Must of the time on site estimates client specifically ask. I just need a quote I don’t want you to come by to look I just was looking for a quote I can send picture of the area and info on what I need to be done. On site estimate shouldn’t have anything to do with instant book if multiple people can be book or be contacted at the same time. On site estimate should be strictly under direct booking if the client is looking for multiple people to come look and give them a on site quote.
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This is great feedback re: On-site estimates and I will be sure to share it with the team. Thank you.
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