Why do I get charged for leads that are miscategorized?

Back on 4/28 I got a lead from an individual in Shawnee, KS for wedding videography. The lead cost me $30.02. I messaged the person back and said "Sorry, I don't do wedding videography". This person had selected "Video Production" and then "Other (please describe)“ and manually typed in "Wedding”, even though there is a category called “Wedding and Event Videography”. I requested a refund and then was denied because Thumbtack claims that this matched my preferences. That is not true because I don’t have “Wedding and Event Videography” on my Kansas City profile (or any profile for that matter). I assume the individuals reviewing this refund request just looked at "Other (please describe)“ and said "Yes, he has 'Other' checked on his profile.". It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out that this lead does not match my preferences and I should be given a refund.
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