Back on track. Did a deep dive on my profile

Hello Thumbtack family. Yesterday I was feeling horrible it was the worst week I've ever had in 10 years with thumbtack. For the life of me I didn't understand how all my money was spent up for my budget and I didn't get a single positive lead moving forward. But just like the advice that we help many pros around America we took the time to do a deep dive on our profile and study where all that money went. For us the tree trimming profile is just not working out. In Florida people want the cheapest labor imaginable and the lead prices were more expensive than the actual job could actually pay out. So for us the solution was simple we simply cut out that tree trimming category in our arsenal of different categories we service. Then out of the blue we sold two large landscape jobs are normal and bread and butter jobs which enabled us to get back on top. I am sorry that I faltered yesterday and was so frustrated. But I will tell you this it's such a feeling when you're on top and you realize that it's just the same advice we give everybody tweak your profile daily know where you're at make changes on the fly keep a positive attitude and we'll all succeed with thumbtack. Warm regards the top pro for every single year out of Orlando Florida
Bret Douglas
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