
the past 3 month has been nothing for us just holding the wrong side of the stick. Nothing just a waste of money every some of the refund request denied it’s getting very frustrating, client contact you no answer from phone call text message and not even on the thumbtack platform. Y’all send out a notification on soon things gonna change where we only get charge when client contact and actually hire the person and still nothing yet. Paying $33 for a lead just to be told Humm no thank you ima go with someone else and not getting a refund is crazy if you ask me but ig that’s how business work for thumbtack. Reach out to a client in the opportunity give them a price just for them to ask for the price again and be told oh that’s way too much blah blah blah and still get charged is crazy too. Us pros cannot charge client without doing any work for them why can’t that apply to thumbtack not charging us pros if we don’t get hire for the job.


  • Yep. Some of my leads are over 100 bucks. I'm making Thumbtack rich and getting pretty angry about it.

  • Matt
    Matt Posts: 170

    Thumbtack has been on a downward decline in quality of leads as well as frequency. It seems like due to this, they allow for clients to select 5-7 Pro's and get the revenue that way instead of really curating solid leads to the right Pro. I have no problem giving business to TT, they are providing a service, but when that service is completely one sided, it makes it feel like they really don't care about the Pro experience.