Consent form and disclaimer ?

Would it be possible for language tutors like myself, to have a process where potential language students read and sign a consent form before contacting me? Often, novice language learners are quite unfamiliar with the duration and time required to learn a second language. I have a disclaimer that requests potential customers read and familiarize themselves with this information - which is clearly laid out in both written form and via a YouTube video.


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,813

    I don't think there would be a way to require this before customers reach out to you… However, you could try adding something about it to the very beginning of your intro in your profile (since this is seen is search results). Have you tried that to see if it makes a difference? I know I've talked with a lot of pros who, for example, offer remote services but get requests for people who want a local pro - so they added their local either to their business name in their profile or in their intro and that helped.