Top Pro Badge 2024, Top Status, Ranking

I've been with Thumbtack for over 10 years, and I recently. received nearly 10 reviews. As a five star business with over 200 reviews, how do I access my Top Pro status and badge for 2024 that I can host on my website?

I'm also unsure about my ranking on every category of my services as I haven't had a lead since December 13th, a length of time I've never experienced on Thumbtack.

Please advise.


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,998

    Your yearly badges get added on January 1 of the following year - I can see yours there (also, your profile is seriously impressive — look at ALL of those badges!!!!! AMAZING).

    As far as lead volume/ranking you can check that here in your new Performance dashboard. Is lead volume still feeling low or has it picked back up since you posted this? (sorry for the delay, getting caught up on posts since the break!)