Disappointed in your site.

I repair household appliances. I worked from your site for a while, I can't say it was great, but the work was regular. Then I left and closed the account. In early December, I reopened the account and was shocked that out of the $200 I spent, I didn't get a single bad job. The client clicks on your request in the message, the ???? button and that's it, and your money is taken. For what? They refuse to refund and there are many such examples. It's easier for me to give this money to a homeless person! A stupid money-grab. Well done, gentlemen, you have a good business!


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,978

    Hi @Continental, and thank you for posting. Sorry to hear about the frustration, here are a few pointers if you'd like, if not you can just ignore me :)

    • If you check out your Performance Dashboard, this may help you to understand why some of these leads have not turned into hires.
    • The probability of a customer hiring you greatly increases with 5+ reviews and also with a response time within the first hour (ideally within the first few minutes).
      • You will be able to see on your dashboard your average response time (1060 minutes) and the average reviews of your competitors.
      • Since it looks like you are relatively new to TT, you may not be aware, but you can import reviews from Google, or you can ask past clients to leave you a review. (Screenshots below of where you do that). I would highly recommend this, and would definitely recommend seeing if you can respond more quickly. I also noticed that you have tried a lot of the "opportunity" leads which have a pretty low response rate from customers, as most of those have already reached out to a pro, so you could maybe try not doing those for a bit and see?
      • You could also try playing around with your Max Lead Prices and lower them to see if that helps.

    Hopefully some of this helps you, but I totally understand the frustration!