Personal trainers unable to select gender

I’ve talked to thumbtack customer service about this multiple times, but wondering if getting it out here & having other ladies share concerns will help.
As a female in the fitness space I have been harassed by male clients previously, so I typically just don’t work with them to avoid that issue & would love to have the option (like the customers do) to chose a gender I specialize in. I brought this up & got a generic email back about how that is discrimination (I even shared the perverted message with them lol) & if it’s discriminating why do customers have the option to chose?
My program is made for women & I specialize in women’s fitness/nutrition, so I hate spending money on prospects I’m not interested in. I have one perverted message I can attach, the others I didn’t even bother contacting thumbtack about.
@cakenweights Can you DM me? I would love to look unto this particular request further. This is not ok and I am so sorry that you received this message.
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