Meet Anastacio “Stat” Valverde.

DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,939

A 4-year Top Pro and current Platinum pro, Stat can make it look easy. But he shares: “One of the biggest challenges I face as a business owner (and many others say the same), is self doubt.” Stat has faced that self doubt head on and built a successful business, while mentoring other business owners along the way - and it hasn't been without obstacles.

"In 2018 after suffering a small auto accident and breaking my arm, it was discovered that I had a chronic form of blood cancer called chronic myelogenous leukemia. Then, in February of 2021, I was back in the hospital for an unrelated matter and it was found that my chronic blood cancer had become a more aggressive and deadly acute cancer. I was immediately admitted to the Mayo Clinic and began a long journey of chemotherapy, radiation and ultimately a bone marrow transplant. I spent a month admitted with countless numbers of procedures. We had to remain in the Phoenix area for 100 days after discharge and since that wasn't home, we faced huge expenses related to my recovery. Day 100, I got the news that I was 'cancer free'...I had survived!! We are back home now and still have a long road ahead, but every day gets a little better."

Stat shared that when he was feeling up to working again, he turned to Thumbtack, "Honestly, Thumbtack made it easy to get back to work. I just turned my business back on and within a couple of days I was already booking jobs."

 Stat continues to rebuild his business and to volunteer as a Thumbtack Community Leader, because he is passionate about helping other business owners. "Community is important because a lot of new businesses don’t succeed - we have to support and motivate one another. People just starting out can easily lose motivation. I want to be a motivational leader to those who want so badly to succeed."

We're lucky to have pros like Stat who share their knowledge, time, and experiences with our Community. Stat shares, "Challenges are simply part of the process. Don't get discouraged." And we couldn't agree more. Learn about Stat and meet our other Community Leaders here - and comment below with your best advice for new business owners.