Customer View

I went into my app today and went to customer view. I was surprised to see that about half way down the page it says "sorry this pro can not do this job at this time, but here are some other pros that can" then there is a link to click on. Why the heck does it say this?? I have my account set to open I have good standings and 5 star ranking.
@Ctownsend1116_ thanks for posting! I took a look and it appears that whatever was happening is not happening any longer (if you check your profile you will see) - it could have been that you had already spent all of your budget? It was Sunday and budgets reset on Monday, so it could have been that. Or, is there a chance you had targeting paused?
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PS Let me know if none of those things are true and I will see if I can have someone dig a little deeper!
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