Changes made on my profile doesn't get reflected on customer view

I started my Thumbtack account about 10 days ago. I have completed my profile and got a couple of direct leads. Today, I modified my projects to delete a project. I also updated my prices. But none of those changes get reflected on customer view. I don't know what's the problem is. Does anyone have any insight on this?

Thank you!


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,978

    @Photopro sending you a direct message!

  • Zayuna
    Zayuna Posts: 1

    Yes, I am having a similar issue where only some information is being updated. How do we go about fixing this issue?

    Thank You

  • Photopro
    Photopro Posts: 3

    Originally, my new project got updated immediately. My issue was adding the new photos into Photo and Video section. It seemed to take at least 48 hours for the updates to take into effect. Now the new project I added also took at least 24-36 hours to get reflected on customer view.

    It might be that Thumbtack website is doing batch update for new changes. It obviously doesn't update instantly.