Welcome to the community!

PomeranzLaw Community Leader Posts: 32

Welcome to the community! I am Jeffrey Pomeranz, a business and litigation attorney based out of South Florida.

As we have all experienced, the last year has brought incredible challenges and change to how we go about our daily lives. In the times of such upheaval, opportunities appear. Think of all the companies that have benefited from people staying indoors - Zoom, Amazon, Peleton, etc. If nothing else, this pandemic has taught us (i) we are much more resilient than we may have realized, (ii) nothing should be taken for granted and (iii) we need to remain nimble to adapt as markets and demands change.

This community presents all of us a great and safe environment to share ideas, develop best business practices and connect with like-minded individuals focused on a common goal - to build something fantastic!

I look forward to hearing from you and offering value to the conversations. 


Jeffrey Pomeranz

Pomeranz Law PLLC



  • perrysto
    perrysto Community Leader Posts: 3
    Jeff, nice introduction. Looking forward to building with you as well.
  • Danielle_Penn
    Danielle_Penn Community Leader Posts: 38
    @PomeranzLaw Hello! and Welcome to the Fam. You are definitely an inspiration and I look forward to hearing more from you.
  • PomeranzLaw
    PomeranzLaw Community Leader Posts: 32

    Appreciate that Danielle. Did I hear you on our introductory call that you are in law school? If so, what type of law do you plan on pursuing?