Back to school tips?

DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

Heya fellow parents or anyone going back to school themselves! My son (my youngest) is getting ready to go into his sophomore year of high school and I just. can't. even. believe. it. So crazy how fast time flies, especially the last few years.

What are y'all doing to enjoy the last little bit of summer, and are there any cool things you do to kick off a new school year? We spent last weekend in Park City, UT with my kids and their cousins to sort of close off summer. And, we do the usual - back to school shopping - but we also usually have a little BBQ with the kids' friends to kick off the new year.

What about you? (tagging in some parents from the Community!)

(That's me on the far right, my son and daughter are on the left)

@BarghPhoto @Veri_LLC @jwatson1158 @chazincharge @jhartyharr23 @calldenverHVAC @Password1370_ @Dennis_D_2324 @luvlogan13 @Onestopshop @Kingsley_tech @Tricity92_ @CHEN @Jordanwetzel9 @sarmoc @BigPete67 @Slavicteam @HomeServicePro @Quasny_landscape @CreativeInstinct @JeffPATCH @Inox09 @Hcountertops_2005 @Teachers1on1 @Celinette_1613 @nick_lucas2014 @KatieSloan @JeffWuest @CnL_Services_LLC @4EverNotary @Kansaselitemoving83 @BroadleafConst @Sad_dad91 @Lew @Brianpease47 @chaojun @STL_Shooter78 @Jvmarketingllc247 @brey90 @ThreadYourLogo @redwards @Emik @Tris_mommy2014 @sheikspells2021 @jelnic2018 @mrjvijay @vancemk @mahmoodkabeil @photosbyguillaume @JTSantini @catcher @steventhibert @itspronouncedgif @Jsupersetz_Training @TranJoseph0924 @Jack @joshua_dixon @Paul @bill1967 @PlexMultiserviceLLC @ggottorff001 @amillerlegal @whimsicalwayne @LarryBarker @mikeappraisalworkx @robertgirau @PeterJBernier @Allan @Jubal @opuspainters @jdinsmoor @palladinopt @Clever_Cocktails @richardeydt @Bluebirdpest @swarbricktax @puppypower @SayHeyKP   


  • Allan
    Allan Posts: 6

    We can always host a party/event and doing the usual, but having some kind of spark or something cool to talk about afterwards always makes it a memorable one. I own a pig roaster so its always fun to kick off the year with a roasted pig/lamb/goat, etc. Got a smoker a month or so ago, so been cooking lots of briskets. Everyone likes a good smoked brisket.

    Its also nice to make the week before school, relaxing; mentally and physically. So doing all the shopping earlier helps to not feel rushed and not thinking about school is mentally refreshing. Kids think about all sorts of things, school included despite their sometimes forgetfulness.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    @Allan I love this reminder to allow the kids some time and space to relax before school starts! Thank you!