Other pros using emoji's and special symbols to manipulate their name to draw attention

I noticed that some pros in one of the categories that compete for leads in has used special code to add special images(emojis and small pictures) in his business name field in order to draw more attention to customers... It's a brilliant idea for him, but it creates an unfair advantage for the rest of the pros competing for jobs.

Also titling themselves as PRO CONTRACTOR or PRO TECHNICIAN in all Caps preceding their actual name or business name can seem a bit misleading to me. Especially if they aren't actually a licensed professional or even Top Pro on TT...

anyone else have any thoughts on this?


  • WDodson
    WDodson Posts: 27

    Company name on Thumbtack should exactly match the name on Google Business Profile, in my opinion. 😎

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,939

    I know I personally would not be swayed by this as I look closely at profile, reviews, and photos. But I guess people will always try and find ways to stand out from the pack. You've got a pretty amazing profile and tons of great reviews and photos - and when I looked you up you were in the top 3 listed pros so I think you are in a great spot!