Help! Thumbtack no longer giving me leads or views!

Hello! I am trying to figure out what is wrong with my thumbtack account! I have not gotten any leads or views for 2 months, which is very problematic because Thumbtack is a vital part of my teaching business. There was a point where an old card had expired and I had to switch my card and pay an old fee, however whenever I try to pay it, no payment actually goes through on my bank account and I'm afraid my Thumbtack is stuck thinking I owe this payment that it wont accept. Please help!

-Sean Smeed


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    Hi @Sean_Smeed thanks for posting - I am looking into this to see if I can gain any insight for you!

  • thank you so much!

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997
    edited August 2022

    You are welcome! At a glance everything seems to be working, but I do see that views are down quite a bit, so I reached out to the team to see if they could find something that maybe I missed! Will let you know what they say - but it might not be until tomorrow since it's the end of the day!

  • thank you for responding so quickly and doing what you can. I'll be sure to check tomorrow for a response.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    Ok, I did get a response tonight! Here is what she said:

    "Targeting was turned off for over 30 days a couple of months ago, and that does have a negative impact on targeting. So, his ranking could be lower. Let's work to get it higher. Since he is still getting views (even 68 people clicked on him) I would update the profile picture - the small view the customers can see at first glance is pretty dark and not inviting. I would work on getting more of the people searching to click on his profile - and an updated profile pic and intro can help with that. For people who are clicking on him I would put the fall semester message at the top and update the intro to be him speaking to perspective customers. I am also seeing a downturn in views, and it is not specific on if that is less customers in the market because of rising living costs, or if his ranking is getting lower, but I would guess it is the market. Either way - what he is doing is not working for him right now and the best thing we can do is strategize capturing more traffic."

    So, I would say to listen to her advice and update your profile pic and intro. I would also try refreshing your FAQs if you haven't done that in a while. Getting new reviews can also help with ranking, so if at all possible I would reach out to any past customers that haven't left you a review and ask them to leave you one (even if they were not from Thumbtack) - let me know if you need help doing that!

    Hopefully these things will help - and hopefully this is just one of those ebbs and flows of the market and it will pick back up. Maybe people are focused on back to school/end of summer stuff this week (I know we definitely are at my house!).

    Let's keep the conversation going and let me know if any of those things help - if not we'll keep brainstorming!

  • I have noticed the same thing. Ever since Thumbtack offered instant book my leads have died. I used to get 12-15 a week and give Thumbtack a handsome fee for leads, now they are getting pennies because I am not getting anything. Furniture assembly and fitness equipment assembly used to load up my feeds and now nothing. I find it hard to believe no one is buying flat box furniture anymore. I get lots of notifications that someone is looking for a Door Repair Specialist or Appliance Repair Specialist (things I had never seen before the instan-book) and nothing for what I promote.

    I am currently negotiating a package with Angi Leads to see if that works any better.