How's a lead considered viable if the clients phone number is disconnected, and never viewed message

I have reached out to support, and I get the same answer. "There are no refunds because you have their phone number". That is fine and all, but what about the clients who's number is dead, and they don't view messages through Thumbtack? How is it I am being charged $40+ for this "lead"? There is no other way to reach out, yet Thumbtack has been holding to their refund policy and that I don't meet the requirements of refund.
I have spent $400+ this month alone, many of these leads have never responded to numerous calls, texts and messages. I think Thumbtack needs to vet these clients further to ensure when you get a message it is someone who is really interested in the services, or make it clear that the business will be charged a fee when they reach out.
I have had many people just say, oh, I just want to see how much things cost, I plan on doing this in a year or so, so we are paying $40 for curiosity. As a sole prop, and artist how can this be a viable way of operating?
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@GoodQuestionTutoring Totally agree, if there was a little more transparency on Thumbtacks part to the client I think it would help. Maybe a survey before they search so the lead price reflects the seriousness of the client. About 40% of my clients are ghosts, no response to call, text or messages, and they don't even read the messages. Based on the reviews for Thumbtack from pros, this is a VERY common problem, but like you said, they have no reason to stop since they are in the business of making money.
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