Not getting any leads

Hello when I started thumbtack I was getting leads and I was staying busy now I’m not getting not one leads it all started when I made my payment of $200 dose anybody know ?


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,998

    @boneman84 Can you send me a DM with the email address that you use for your Thumbtack Pro account? I tried looking up your account so I could help you out, but it led me to a customer account. Thanks!

  • Similar scenario here. Not one lead in almost 3 months after I actually increased my budget. Customer service only said that people just are not interested in my profile. Really?! Suddenly just unappealing even when they say it looks great. It seems that they may just not be attracting customers requesting leads anymore, or are fading out of business. Are you aware of another company that is now taking over this market?