[ANNOUNCEMENT] Support teams out today.

Our support teams are out today, but will resume for chat and sms tomorrow morning at 6am MST.
In the meantime, if you have urgent questions, you can drop them here and I will help as much as I can!
It's January 2, 2023, and the texting support team has been unavailable since December 20. Does anyone know when they will resume work?
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@DanPincus I'm so sorry you weren't able to reach support! Our teams were mostly off for the holiday break, but we are back online today! Is there anything I can help you with?
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Eric B. Said that he posted a review around December 20, but I don't see it.
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Let me take a look!
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@DanPincus I just checked and that customer has not yet left a review. I would recommend sending him a request for a review.
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That's strange. I sent him the link and I assumed he used it. I'll send it again.
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Just checking – – this is the correct review link, right?
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@DanPincus You should actually read through that article I linked and send him a request through the messenger app in Thumbtack - you don't want to send him your generic review link, because then it won't be a "verified" review and won't be linked to the job you did for the customer. There are instructions in the article, but I believe if you just go into your conversation with that customer there will be a button you can click to request a review from him. Hope this makes sense!
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I just did as you described before I saw your answer. This could explain why I don't have more reviews verified. I've used that link before. That's kind of confusing. Why even have that link available?
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@DanPincus that link is great to use for customers that you helped outside of Thumbtack (you can have up to 10 of those displayed on your profile). If you have some reviews that should be verified, because the customer hired you through Thumbtack, you can reach out to support and they should be able to change those to verified!
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Thank you very much. Have a great day
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You are very welcome, you have a great day too!
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One additional matter. Take a look at my posts about direct leads. Very frustrating the way it's been going recently. So frustrating that I've paused targeting.
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