JOIN US tomorrow (Thursday 1/5) for CommuniTEA.

If you're tagged in this post, you've been active in the Community since our last CommuniTEA networking hour and we would love to meet you! Please join us tomorrow from 9:00-10:00am PT (10am MT, 11am CT, 12pm ET) via Zoom.
We'll do some intros and then open up for you to ask each other questions, share successes and struggles (and solutions), and meet some Thumbtack team members.
Join us by clicking this link. Or, RSVP here and I will add you to our calendar invite.
See you tomorrow!
@DanielGoodpaster @KTV_2022 @Prarich_2 @RiseandShine @Willturner673 @CrystalFields @DanPincus @ShaquealThomas @LeslieMorgan58 @IKovalev @Jena1977 @Marcy_Schaaf @Mage @Adolfo_Verdugo @KTCOorganizing @Tyler_Harris @Pazarts @Jubal @renee_dnwy @Katy_Denton_Bomar @Dominique_1224 @SoSPoolCare @Handiman @Conido81 @JCquality @lamar8891 @JAIO @cantorthomas @thetiff3189 @StaedterStyle @Mike_Cipriano @Rewards_615 @aroundtheclockAlex1 @TruNorthMaintenance @RollinCurrentLLC @Mellycat @Janelle_Cotton @sjsbinc @Manny_Man @Str33trunn3r @Nicole @Js_Garage_Door1 @Mitchell @Vladimir_Leytner @CSJConsulting @NicholsonWealthGroup @Shawn @Tpwood31 @Grassman @GundamSLK @Thehomesense @Karen_Poulsen_2016 @Craig_Washington_Ii @JasonBleecher @BradTheTileGuy @musicmanwiththeplan @Orenda @Amandine_mut @Dawn1666 @soonerkimmy @WelderPNW @Affordablecleaning1_ @Kevlar_llc2022 @VivaLaDIRT @Cxmcad @Steven_Tomlinson
Thank you to all who joined today — another great discussion! Tagging you all so you can connect! @ShaquealThomas @Mage @Js_Garage_Door1 @Lemargriffinfilms @soonerkimmy @EVSNotary @lamar8891 @Jeanne_Kulwin @Brandon_Allen
Welcome! Check out our Community Code of Conduct. (review here)