[FOLLOW UP POLL] How would you prefer to learn more about marketing your business?

DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

As we look at ways to help support you growing your businesses on Thumbtack and beyond, we are wondering - How would you want to learn more about marketing your business? You gave us some great answers here in this poll, and we want to follow up and learn more.

Would you prefer working with a marketing professional in a one on one setting? Would you attend a workshop? Would you participate in a webinar? Would you take an online course? Something else?

If your answer is "other" tell us what else you would do?

[FOLLOW UP POLL] How would you prefer to learn more about marketing your business? 3 votes

1:1 Consultation
PomeranzLawpatrykkg 2 votes
Workshop, Webinar, or Online Course
ycc 1 vote


  • PomeranzLaw
    PomeranzLaw Community Leader Posts: 32
    1:1 Consultation

    Consultation with specific rather than general feedback would be helpful. Actionable input is key.

  • patrykkg
    patrykkg Community Leader Posts: 16
    1:1 Consultation

    @PomeranzLaw 100% agreed. There's a ton of info readily available online in every format - 1:1 consultations help narrow it down and make it actionable