Major issues with Thumbtack App

I have now spoken to more than a dozen potential Thumbtack clients who say they are totally confused by the Thumbtack process, do not like or understand the app, and never see the responses to their requests. Personally, about 90% of my quotes are never seen by the client - even when they specifically request me.
So literally I am now donating money to Thumbtack. Or, the alternative is to annoy the potential clients by calling them without waiting for them to look at the quote.
Is it just me?
I would definitely recommend using the phone number given to send a text and/or call. When we have our CommuniTEA sessions with pros, or other pro panels or Q&A sessions that I have done that is overwhelmingly the advice given by really successful pros. But I will tag in a few to see if they have any further advice! @ShaquealThomas @Lemargriffinfilms @Js_Garage_Door1 @soonerkimmy
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This however does not resolve the issue folks are having with the Thumbtack app. In addition, many get angry when they receive 4-5 calls from techs.
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In my experience customers getting mad that tecs are calling them is not true at all. If you ask 4 companys for help with a project and you get 4 phone calls I think the customer is getting exactly what they asked for lol
We highly recommend calling the customer we typically respond on the app telling them we're going to call. We then call and if they don't pick up we send a text identifying ourselves and telling them to call us back whenever there free. We typically respond so quickly the customers don't think it's a pro from TT calling them, that's why we text and tell them who we are and it shows them we're a real person. We typically get a call from the customer right away.
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This is a very common issue I hear from clients. Nearly all of my leads have said that they couldn’t get back into Thumbtack, or even install and use the app so they were glad I texted and scheduled a call. All of my clients came from texting/calling and none through the app itself. Even if I message back in less than a minute, I usually never see they have read it. On average I would say 20% or so clients actually ever read my message. I still respond quickly to keep my metrics high, but I know if I don't text right after, I will never hear from them.
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The App is definitely a serious issue. Along with the payment options. What a mess.
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Yes its not just you. If you are selecting interested in a certain job, the quotes go unread. Not just a few but all of them, customers phone numbers are generally blocked. If you aren't a direct lead, you cannot compete.
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How can I get back to a page? I tried asking for the new password but it did not happen yet. It has been 3 days now that I cannot sign in on the page. Please help me!
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At least 90% of the quotes I send are never seen by the requestor. Most of the people I am able to speak to indicate they never received any notification that a quote was sent. Almost all do not want to install the Thumbtack app.
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I agree, gets to a point where it's not worth it to respond "I'm interested". They don't get read or delivered in send quote.
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The Thumbtack app and the process of notifying the potential customer is a no win situation for Pros it seems.
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@MartaPina our support agents are available 8am-5pm MST Monday through Friday. I see that you sent an email to support on Friday, so they probably just weren't able to answer on Friday. Give them through today and see if you get a response. Also, I did try to look up the account you referenced in that email (with a different email address) and there was no account under that address, so, you may be trying to log in with the wrong email address. Do you have another email address that you use?
Is the account you are trying to get into different from the one that you used to log in to the Community?
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@MartaPina I am not able to help with password resets, unfortunately, so you will need to wait for support to answer. They could also fill out this form to get the email address on their account changed (they will need to select "personal or business information" and then select "business name is incorrect" and then on the next screen in the notes section have them explain that they need to change the email address on the account, because they no longer have access to that email address) — or even better (and probably faster), I would recommend that your friend call support directly.
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Can I use ONE email for different thumbtacks pages?
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You can find lots of answers and information in the Help Center - here is an article about how to add different services to your existing profile or here is an article about adding another profile to your existing one. @MartaPina
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