Thumbtack Algorithm for displaying Profiles

I contacted TT support today and to say I was disappointed is an understatement. The leads have just about totally stopped and the ones I do receive do not respond and have not converted to business. NEWS FLASH Thumbtack, I use this service to generate business. I don't know what they are doing different so I contacted support to find out. Despite my 5.0 rating, quick response rate, and glowing reviews my profile consistently is buried on page 2 or 3 below many others that don't have the number of hires or reviews. I asked them to have the developers review their algorithm and get back with me. I was totally ignored save to tell me I should get a background check. NOT A SINGLE customer has EVER asked me about a BACKGROUND check. It simply doesn't come to mind in this line of business. But that is the extent of the support I received. It is not fair or equitable. By the way the chat STINKS! The rep comes online with a statement and then you continue to have to wait on their responses. This is a poorly run business. EVERYTHING I just stated is 100% fact. Sorry if you don't like it.
@Jerry_Garmon so sorry to hear about your frustrations - it sounds like you've already done this, but I want to make sure you are also sharing this feedback in the proper channels so that it gets logged and sent to the right teams (here in the Community we are focused on connecting pros to one other to share tips and tricks and network, and while feedback is welcome and we do try and address it, it doesn't get logged and sent to teams).
I took a few minutes to look at your account and it looks like your response time is longer than ideal, and this is one of the more important ranking factors so be sure when you do get a contact you are responding really quickly - you can track your overall response rate at the above link. You could also try bumping up your max lead price, even just slightly to see if that helps you rank higher. I have also heard that getting new reviews (so you could reach out to past customers who haven't left a review) and responding to existing reviews can help bump you up. I have also been told that responding to some "opportunities" can help bump up (and you don't pay for those unless the customer responds).
I mean overall your profile is super great and you may have tried all of these things already, but if not then you could try any or all of these things and see if they make a difference! Hope this helps!
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