Hi there, where is the pro support?

I am currently frustrated with this app and support. I have gotten mulitple leads that are not a match and spent hours on the phone waiting for support to get my denied refund. Now, the support is gone but yet the emails and the app all say to call, but the support says that thumbtack is closed. Should I be worried? As a videographer/editor, most of my work is done remotely from my home computer. As a new business, money is tight. So, I have gotten multiple leads that require filming in cities that are not in my covered area via the app. And nearly every one of them would costs more in travel then the job if I were able to take these jobs. It is no longer a remote job if it requires a plane ticket. I feel that there is a huge gap in this service that hurts new business owners like myself. I havent exactly been treated with fairness from a manager and I have followed your policies precisely. When I asked the manager if I should come here to ask other pros what to do, he threatened to kick me off of the app. But, I need resources and real help. Recently, my last lead budget was $150-$250, Travel preferences: Professionals may travel to my address, I will travel to the pro, This can be done over the phone or internet. I am in North Carolina, he is in Michigan. I called the client and asked for the source material and he replied no, I need a videographer here in michigan for full production. Almost half of my leads have been the same and nearly all of them get initially denied for a refund. I can typically call and get this resolved, though it takes time away from my work schedule doing so. But now, there is no way to talk to anyone. What else Can I do here to make this work. I am time and money due to what feels like a flaw in this service. And, I want my refund, it shouldnt be this difficult.
Basically, my budget for leads is small. I would be happy to grow my budget but it has been impossible due to losing leads every week that are not matches. How can we resolve this? Thank you.
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