We're improving Thumbtack Pay

CaileeM Moderator Posts: 5
edited July 2023 in Thumbtack Resources

Hello, Pro Community!

I'm excited to share that deposits and installments are here. You used to only be able to accept one payment from a customer through Thumbtack. Thanks to your feedback, you now have the ability to request and receive multiple payments for a single project.

Moving forward, we're also protecting you from unsupported chargebacks when customers use Thumbtack Pay. You can learn more about Thumbtack's Chargeback Protection Policy here.

Read more about how Thumbtack Pay works in the Help Center.


  • RAB
    RAB Posts: 2

    How about allowing customers to reach out to 3 pros max instead of 5 pros getting charged a ridiculous amount of money for a dead lead.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,967

    Great feedback, please be sure to send it to support@thumbtack.com so it is sure to be logged. Thanks!