Inconsistent Lead Volume

Sometimes I get leads left and right. Sometimes it’s dry as hell. What is everyone doing to optimize this Thumbtack thing. Any other platforms you recommend for leads?


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,001

    @ShaquealThomas, @busyb, @keddingfield have some great tips for times when lead volume on Thumbtack is down! Hopefully they can share some thoughts and ideas. You can always join our bi-weekly CommuniTEA sessions and chat with other pros for ideas, too.

  • busyb
    busyb Posts: 59

    @Mr_Victor I was experiencing a significant reduction in leads in the past month but it did suddenly pick up again from other sources...mostly my local referral partners. I decided a few months ago to start to invest more time again networking locally and it has really paid off. I don't know what you do but if you are more of an introvert and have not liked to network in person I really think that is something you have to practice and do. I know for my profession, home organizing and move management, my clients are generally dealing with a lot of physical and emotional issues so they tend to want someone local to ask for recommendations. I am extremely engaged on a lot of Facebook groups for my service areas and am constantly being tagged in posts because people see how passionate I am about what I do and are more likely to recommend someone they feel they know, like and trust. And while some people have never met me in person, they still see how active I am in the community online and can see I am a person of integrity. I also try to exhibit at local conferences and expos that are the appropriate fit for my company. And I usually can get a spot presenting for better exposure. I just did an expo this past weekend for senior resources and had at least a dozen new leads come in by this morning as a direct result of that 20 minute presentation. It's one thing to stand a at booth in an exhibit hall and be shamelessly self-promoting. It's another thing when you are up on a stage as a "key person of influence" in your community so seek out those opportunities as well if you don't already. I don't use any other lead generators though. Thumbtack has been the only one that ever actually produced leads so I am starting to do more Google and Facebook ads and will see how that pans out. If you want to chat more about this I am happy to have an offline conversation. I will actually be driving to UT tomorrow for a client the remainder of the week so I will definitely have the time. Feel free to reach out at 720.637.2492. Hope this helps!!!

  • The bottom line, TT got too big and forgot about their loyal clients. I used to pay $9-$13 per lead. Just the other day I paid $167. That's plain nuts. I know I will no longer be with them and I am finding other reasonable platforms. I asked so many times if something could be done and I got scripted responses. You lost me TT. Good riddance