Thumbtack over the years no longer for the pro

I have been on Thumbtack as a pro for over seven years now and been a top pro for many of those years. I had an amazing experience on Thumbtack for many years My Business thrived however, now they have made so many changes and it’s very apparent that is no longer for the pro, it’s about grabbing the money from the pro. The auto book is nothing more than a money grab and I feel bullied into having audiobook on not only that there is no longer a human that you can speak to now it’s through text and AI driven when you do get a person they simply copy and paste everything that we’ve already read 1 million times and already know. it is very frustrating to be a professional and paying so much money that thumbtack but yet not having any customer service that is worthy how much money we are paying out. The prices of these leads are absolutely insane who’s going to pay $135 for a Water Heater lead when we don’t even know if we’re going to get it but you will let six people bid on the job so you can get your money however, other apps are charging from 25 to 36 for a Water Heater lead. When people do they schedule and then delete it a day or two later because they don’t have patience to wait and then we’re out the money because you don’t refund it after 15 minutes. And no way is fair to anybody trying to run a business. I will definitely be looking for other options.
it’s very sad. I really enjoyed Thumbtack for many many years but now it has been changed so much. It’s not for the professional anymore. It’s a money grab.
Thumbtack, set it up to where it’s Pro against Pro fighting for work who is going to pay the most for the lead, instead of being a solution for customers that need assistance and a job done.
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It’s sad but I must agree 1000%
im a 7 year top prob over 350 5 star reviews so n the moving industry. I was just saying and thinking how much thumbtack was a blessing before it raised leads and rolled out insta booking. I was able to quit my job and run a business full time but sadly enough im returning to that job based off of the increase of operating costs from the increase in lead prices along with the other issues like cheap customers who’ll choose the cheapest out of 6 even though thumbtack made money off all 6 and the customers don’t care if your licensed, insured , top pro, 5 star or not they as many people do want top notch service , fast , and most importantly cheap and since its free to customers they can treat pros anyway and get over by saying , oh your charging 500 the other guy wants 350 after saying that to 6 pros the sale is made for 100 while the customer gets the free service and time to play games against all 6 pros while thumbtack is 300 richer and will deny any refunds and play this game over and over its truly sad 😢
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