Server error

Hi there, I really want to start finishing my profile. I have tried contacting customer service but it is only automated emails, chats, phone calls. The background check keeps popping up with an server error message with social or ID.

How can I get this resolved? I have tried the app, desktop, and multiple search engines.

Best Answer

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,015
    Answer ✓

    @EricS sorry you are encountering this issue! Can you try submitting it with this link? be sure you use the correct name (spelling), date of birth, and email that match what is on your Thumbtack account so it can get linked back to it. Let me know if this doesn't work!


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,015

    I sent you a DM - but let me know if you are still running in to this issue. I reached out to the background checks team to see if they know what might be happening and I will share if I get any more insight or advice. Thank you!

  • I'm having the same issue

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,015

    Heard back from the team and they recommended trying from a computer (not a phone) if possible to see if you're still getting the same error. Let me know if that does/doesn't work!

  • I'm having the same issue. I've tried my cell, an iPad, three different desktops, both MAC and PC, and several different web browsers. Not cool to have to type in my SS over and over into a system that doesn't work. That's concerning.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,015

    @matthewmichael Sending you a DM!

  • Just to share with the community... I appreciate DustiO's willingness to help. Nothing against her. Really do appreciate her help. I wish the rest of the Thumbtack team that runs these background checks had some competence, though. The solution was they sent me to a third party website to do the background check ("checkr"). I entered all the same information that Thumbtack seeks, including my SS#. The same day, I received the results of the background check. Passed with flying colors. Thumbtack responds and says it's not good enough (what?!) and that they still need me to upload my drivers license. I'm sorry, but being a past victim of identity theft, I had already crossed some red lines sharing such personal information. I figured Thumbtack had a secure way to do this, but the system doesn't even work. That doesn't give me any confidence that the information I'm sharing is safe. It's very disappointing. Thumbtack asked me to jump through hoops with a third party verification system. I did. I passed. I even sent the results to DustiO in a private message. And they're telling me it's not enough. I'm done with it. Not that Thumbtack cares.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,015
    edited March 2024

    @matthewmichael the background checks are always done through Checkr (never done by Thumbtack). It is required that the name on the Thumbtack account matches the name on the background check (you can probably imagine why - since the background checks wouldn't be super useful if someone could take a background check for someone else), so that is probably why they are asking for an ID verification (sometimes people don't put their full name or their legal name on their Thumbtack account, so we just need to confirm it's the same person). Sorry that it has been a frustrating process! But once you're done you'll have that background check badge on your profile, which will instill even more confidence in potential customers. You can read a little more about background checks here if it's helpful! Hope you get it worked out, and that we see more of you here in the Community!

  • So… on my Thumbtack profile I'm listed as "Matt". On the background check, "Matthew". Same last name on both… a very unique one at that. If the folks at Thumbtack aren't smart enough to figure out that "Matt" is short for "Matthew", that instills even less confidence in me about the competence of those who are running the ship. I'm not going to send anymore personal information that can easily be used to steal one's identity to folks that can't figure out that "Matt" is short for "Matthew". I'll go ahead and change my Thumbtack profile to "Matthew". Would that satisfy the folks on the top floor? I've wasted enough time on this already. I never get any leads from Thumbtack, and I'm sure they don't care about guys like me anyway since I'm not part of any revenue stream. SUPER disappointing.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,015

    I'm just letting you know the reasoning most likely behind it - that is the process that is required, so it's your prerogative if you want to continue that process or not. I am not able to help directly with background checks or ID verifications.

  • EricS
    EricS Posts: 1

    I also have server error come up when trying to do a background check on PC

  • It took thumbtack almost a year to run mine – and what’s really funny is that I’m a private investigator and run background checks on other people. Not only that, but I had to pass a deep background check to become a private investigator. It’s all ridiculous.