TT Pet Sitters

Hi! I’m Laurie and I’m a pet sitter in the Cincinnati & Dayton Ohio areas. I’ve started getting on the bi-weekly pro calls so I can learn more to get more customers. I’m not getting leads, but I’m am getting views, so I’m posting my profile here for all the TT committee can review it for me. I updated it a week ago and have not received a single lead since. Here’s my profile as requested by the team. If ANYONE can help pls let me know, as I haven’t gotten a good lead in 4 weeks.


  • pmpazo
    pmpazo Posts: 14

    AGH!!! I updated my profile and when I saved it somehow it messed up my account. Now it says my profile doesn’t exist, HELP!

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,001

    Your account is definitely still active and everything looks great. It may just be a matter of demand in your category being low right now. You have everything set up great and you are appearing at the top of the list of pros.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,001

    Tagging in some other pet care professionals to see if they might have any insight or advice for you too! @soonerkimmy @Trusty @Chrissy @Crazydoglady @ChimeraSpirit @troys_dogtraining @kris10judy @PetSitterAmy

  • pmpazo
    pmpazo Posts: 14

    Thanks! Are any of the pets sitters near Ohio. I’d anyone else slow on TT for leads? I’d believe it was just the area, except I’m getting 20 & 30 views, with one lead if I’m lucky.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,001

    @pmpazo if you look at your insights page, you'll see that there are not very many available jobs in your categories right now in your area, so I am guessing it might just be a slow time/low demand... Hopefully it picks up soon!!!